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I'm afraid the gilt of the ring will wear off before long.恐怕戒指的镀金层不久就会磨掉。It may take some time for the medication to wear off.药效消失可能需要一定的时间。The pain will soon wear off.疼痛感很快就会消失。The effects of the drug naturally wear off within a few hours.这药的效力几个小时后会自然消失。The contraceptive effect wears off in two days.避孕效果两天就会消失。She hoped that his ridiculous infatuation would soon wear off.她希望他那种荒唐的迷恋不久会逐渐消退。Most patients find that the numbness from the injection wears off after about an hour.大多数病人发现注射产生的麻木感在一个小时左右以后会逐渐消失。The pleasurable effects of any drug quickly wear off.任何毒品给人带来的快感都会很快消失。The shine on the leather will wear off pretty quickly. 皮革上的光泽很快就会褪去。It's a bore to be sick, and the novelty of lying in bed all day wears off quickly.生病是件烦人的事,整天躺在床上的新鲜劲很快就没了。When you realise they are singing the same songs over again, the novelty wears off.当你意识到他们开始从头演唱同样的歌曲时,新鲜感也就没有了。As the drugs began to wear off, the pain began to take hold again.随着药性慢慢过去,又开始痛起来了。 After the novelty wears off, the Internet can be a very dull place.新鲜感一过,互联网就可能会变成枯燥乏味的场合了。She'll be a little unsteady on her feet until the anaesthetic wears off.麻醉药效消退以前,她走起路来会有些不稳。After you drive a new car for a while, the novelty wears off. 你开了一段时间新车后,那股新鲜劲儿就会慢慢消失。The numbness in his shoulder was starting to wear off.他肩膀上麻木的感觉开始慢慢消失。The thrill wears off after a few years of marriage. You'll see.婚后几年这种兴奋感就会逐渐消逝。你等着瞧吧。The effects of the anaesthetic will wear off within a few hours.麻醉效果会在几个小时里逐渐消失。The effects of the anaesthetic were starting to wear off.麻醉剂的效力开始逐渐消退。Her initial stiffness began to wear off as we got to know her.随着我们渐渐了解她,她起初的拘谨也慢慢消失了。The effects of child abuse never wear off.儿童遭受虐待后其影响永远不会消失。 |