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The event is vividly recorded in his journal.他的日记中生动地记载了这一事件。Her turns of mind are revealed in her journals.她的思想方法体现在她的日记中。The diary is a treasure trove to the abnormal psychologist.这日记对于研究变态心理的专家来说乃是不可多得的资料宝库。Exhibit number two is a diary belonging to the accused.二号物证是被告的一本日记。Very little information is given in the diary entries.日记中给出的信息很少。His diaries were wantonly destroyed.他的日记遭到了恶意毁坏。The diary records her most secret thoughts and feelings.日记记录了她最秘密的想法和感情。This was the diary in which Gina recorded her innermost thoughts and secrets.这是吉娜记载内心深处思想和秘密的那本日记。I wouldn't really show anyone my diary, not even you.我不愿意给任何人看我的日记,甚至你也不行。He recorded his musings in his diary.他在日记里记下了自己的沉思。I saw your diary kicking around somewhere.我在什么地方见过你的日记薄。The book contains previously unpublished material, including extracts from diaries, letters and taped interviews.这本书含有以前未发表过的材料,包括日记、信件及录音访谈的节选。His wartime experiences were inexplicably absent from the diaries.他的战时经历莫名其妙地从日记中缺失了。He believed diaries used in evidence were fakes.他认为作为证据的日记是伪造的。Historians annotate, check, and interpret the diary selections.历史学家对这部日记精选进行注释、核对与解读。Their first task was to find and excavate the graves described in the diary.他们的首要任务就是找到日记中所描述的那些墓穴并进行挖掘。His diaries include passages that are barely intelligible. 他的日记中有些段落几乎让人无法认读。The diaries have been published in one volume, with elaborate biographical notes by Professor Emson.这些日记已被装成一册发表了,上面有埃姆森教授所写的详尽的生平。No one is allowed to read my diary.不许任何人读我的日记。She backdated the diary entry to make it look as if it had been written before the murder took place.她给那篇日记填了比实际日期早的时间,让它看上去就像是在谋杀案发生前已经写好的。She hunted out an old diary.她翻寻出一本旧日记。His diaries were published after his death.他的日记在他去世后出版了。Mark down everything you eat on your daily chart.在日记表上记下你吃的每样东西。Pepys' “Diary” is a mirror image of the times he lived in.佩皮斯的《日记》真实地反映了他所生活的时代。I came across an old diary in her desk.我在她的书桌里发现了一本旧日记。She flipped open Chris's diary.她迅速翻开克里斯的日记。Historians annotate, check and interpret the diary selections.历史学家对日记选篇进行加注、核查以及阐释。The diary was published with numerous excisions. 这本日记在做了许多删减后出版了。He recorded the incident in his journal. = The incident was recorded in his journal. = His journal recorded the incident.他在日记里记录了这件事。He cast the story in the form of a diary.他以日记形式编排这个故事。His diaries record the lives of ordinary country people.他的日记记载了普通乡下人的生活。His diary recorded the tyrannies of the invaders.他的日记记载下了侵略者的残酷暴行。His journals are full of dubious pearls of homespun wisdom.他的日记中记下了许多朴素却不可靠的箴言。Stephanie travelled through time, scrolling up and down the pages of the diary.斯蒂芬妮花费时间上下滚屏翻阅那日记的页面。I've been keeping a journal for several years.我已写了好几年的日记。Another section of the journal seared my memory but I wiped the words from my mind.日记的另一部分引起我痛苦的回忆,但我把这些话从脑海里抹去了。A diary is an intimate book.日记是私人的记事本。What gives you the right to read my diary?你有什么权利看我的日记?The diary gives us an insight into Hemingway's world.这本日记可以让我们了解海明威的世界。Her diary entries for that month show how unhappy she was.从那个月记下的日记可以看出她是多么不开心。 |