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例句 What a pity there was no one to keen him.多么遗憾,没有人为他恸哭。What is the chemical composition of lava?熔岩的化学成分是什么?What he said destroyed our last hope.他说的话摧毁了我们最后的希望。What are the dimensions of the dining-room table?餐桌的长宽高是多少?What is alternative health care? What can it do for you?.什么是另类医疗?它能为你做些什么?What's the name of the guy you live with?和你同住的那家伙叫什么名字?What percentage of the national wealth is spent on health care?国家资金用在医疗保健上的比例是多少?What's the local currency in Malta?马耳他的当地货币是什么?What are they doing next door? I can't stand this constant tapping on the wall.他们隔壁在干什么呀?墙上一直有这啪啪啪的声音,我受不了。What good is sitting alone in your room?一个人孤零零地在家坐着又有什么用?What you say is inconsistent with what you do.你的言行不一致。What you did was not legal.你所做的不合法。What he said was too complex for me to understand.他说的太复杂了,我不理解。What I need is some rest and relaxation.我现在需要的是休息和放松。What's the patient's condition?病人的情况如何? What paper do you usually read?你通常看什么报?What have you settled to do about it?这事你决定怎么办? What happens in schools must be open to public scrutiny.学校里发生的事情必须受到公众的监督。What's up? There's such a loud noise in the corridor.出什么事啦?走廊里喧闹声那么大。What's making that awful creaking sound?什么声音?嘎吱嘎吱的,真可怕。You're like a bear with a sore head this morning. What's wrong with you?你今天早上脾气很暴躁。你怎么啦?What time will you leave the office?你打算什么时候离开办公室?What we need now is pennies from heaven.我们现在需要的是意外之财。What was needed was decisive action to halt these savage crimes.当务之急是要果断采取行动,来制止这些野蛮罪行。Stop beating about the bush. What's he done?别再拐弯抹角了,他到底干了什么?What he told us was an actual happening.他告诉我们的是一件真实事情。What's that sticky stuff in your hair?你头发上那黏糊糊的东西是什么?What about my feelings?谁关心我的感受?What is the amount of tax to be paid?要付的税款是多少?What you need is a good long holiday.你需要的是好好地休一个长假。What have I got to be glad about?我有什么可高兴的?What are the readings for the next class?下节课的阅读材料是什么?What recreational facilities are now available?.现在有些什么娱乐设施?What do you look for in a relationship?你想从情爱关系中得到什么?What time's dinner?I'm starving!什么时候开饭? 我饿坏了!What is your inside leg measurement?你裤腿内缝尺寸是多少?What time do you finish work?你什么时候下班?What colour are her eyes and her hair?她的眼睛和头发是什么颜色?What happens after death is beyond our ken.死后会怎样我们不得而知。What's the rush? Let's wait until we have all the facts.干什么这么急?等了解了全部事实后再说吧。




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