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词汇 went up
例句 Great cheers went up when he scored in the final minute of the game.当他在比赛的最后一分钟得分时,全场爆发出了雷鸣般的欢呼。There was a sense of anticipation in the audience as the curtain went up for the premiere.首次公演的幕布升起,观众们满怀期待。Two men walked in and went up to the bar. A hush fell over the room.两个男人走了进来并走向吧台,房间里变得鸦雀无声。Her temperature went up and down in a most disconcerting way.她的体温时高时低,让人十分担心。He went up the garden path to knock on the door.他沿花园小径走上前去敲门。I went up to my room to continue with my packing.我去自己房间继续打包。My regard for her went up another notch.我对她的敬重又增加了一等。One or two people went up and passed the time of day with her.一两个人走过去和她打了招呼。Their dreams went up in smoke after their business collapsed.他们的公司倒闭后,他们的梦想也随之破灭。She went up the steps to the side entrance.她爬上一段楼梯,来到侧门。Hundreds of people lined the street, cheering the runners as they went up the hill.数百人在街上夹道排列,为跑上山的选手喝彩。When we went to Paris, we went up the Eiffel Tower.我们到巴黎时去了埃菲尔铁塔。A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught sight of their idol.观众看到偶像时高声欢呼起来。There was a burst of applause as the curtain went up.幕启时爆发出一阵掌声。A groan of disappointment went up from the crowd.人群里发出失望的哼哼声。The whole building went up in flames.整幢楼被焚毁了。We went up to the capital from the country.我们从乡村去了首都。He went up in the air when he heard the news.他听到这个消息时兴奋得不得了。When she hurt her back, all her dreams of being a dancer went up in smoke.背部受伤后,她成为舞蹈演员的梦想全都破灭了。The lights went up when the movie ended.电影结束时,灯亮了起来。A great shout of excitement went up as she crossed the line.她越过那条线时响起一片震耳欲聋的欢呼声。I went up to the second floor.我上到二楼。I found it difficult to contrive when prices of everything went up.在百物涨价的时候,我觉得料理家务真不容易。When we heard the alarm, we went up on deck.我们听到警报声就到了甲板上。The crowd cheered as the movie star went up to receive his prize.当影星上台领奖时,人群欢呼起来。A deafening cheer went up from the crowd.人群中爆发出震耳欲聋的欢呼声。My regard for Smith went up another notch.我对史密斯的尊重又升了一级。He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck.他买了一张票,然后上到上层车厢。The river steamers only went up as far as Mandalay.河上的汽船最远只开到曼德勒。I went up to her after the meeting and paid my respects.会后我走到她面前拜见了她。Finally, after an hour, I went up to Jeremy's room.一个小时后,我终于去了杰里米的房间。I felt so proud when my son went up to collect his medal.儿子上前领奖章时我感到很自豪。He went up the steep path on all fours.他手足并用地攀爬上陡峭的小路。Huge election posters suddenly went up all over the town.巨幅选举海报突然间贴满了整个城镇。She went up on her lines out of fear on opening night.上演首晚她因怯场忘记了台词。The barn went up in smoke.谷仓被付之一炬。He had left the gas on and the whole kitchen went up.他没有关煤气,整个厨房都烧起来了。He seized on a bar and went up to them.他抓住一根大棍朝他们走去。He was lucky to lay hold of a block of shares before the price went up.他在股票价格上涨前掌握了大宗股票,运气真好。I'd had one or two stiffeners before I went up to see him.我去看他之前喝了一两杯酒壮胆。




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