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She got a hero's welcome on her return from the Olympics.她参加奥运会归来受到英雄般的欢迎。Common courtesy dictates that a guest should receive a welcome.根据通常的礼节,客人应该受到欢迎。Come and see us whenever you're in town - you're always welcome/you'll always be welcome.要是进城就过来看看我们——什么时候来都欢迎。The restaurant makes children very welcome.那家餐馆让孩子们感觉自己很受欢迎。The team returned to a heroes’ welcome after their recent success in the European Championships.球队最近在欧洲锦标赛上得胜归来,受到了英雄般的欢迎。We welcome your comments/suggestions. 我们乐于接受您的任何评论/建议。Some mothers regard work as a welcome respite from the stress of looking after a home and children.有些做母亲的将工作视为令人高兴的暂息时间,能从照顾家庭和子女的压力中解脱出来。A warm welcome awaits you at this family-run hotel.家庭旅馆热情欢迎您的到来。Thousands will welcome the return of this national treasure.成千上万的人将会欢迎这个国宝的归来。He's welcome to the job; it's no catch, anyhow.欢迎他来干这项工作,反正不是什么好差事。 He received a tumultuous welcome.他受到了热烈欢迎。The students gave him a rapturous welcome.学生们欢天喜欢地迎接他。If they expected a warm welcome, they were in for a rude awakening.要是他们以为会受到热烈欢迎,他们很快就会醒悟并非如此。I welcome the report as a herald of more freedom, not less.我认为这份报告预示着会有更多、而不是更少的自由,因此对它表示欢迎。She was a welcome visitor.她是个受欢迎的来宾。They were made welcome with the usual pantomime of exaggerated smiles and gestures.他们受到了一如往常的欢迎,夸张的笑容和姿态如同一场闹剧。He's welcome to come along, provided that he behaves himself.他只要守规矩就欢迎他来。Many tropical countries welcome people of independent means as long-term residents.许多热带地区的国家很欢迎有独立收入的人去长期居住。Several people came by to welcome me.有几个人过来迎接我。The pipers dressed in traditional Scottish costume gave us a warm welcome.身穿传统苏格兰服装的风笛手们对我们表示热烈欢迎。If they want to change the rules, they are welcome to try.如果他们想改变规则,尽可以试试。He intimated, politely but firmly, that we were not welcome.他有礼貌但很坚决地暗示我们是不受欢迎的。The club will hold a social evening to welcome new members.俱乐部将举行联欢晚会来欢迎新成员。The battalion went on parade to welcome the new commander-in-chief.该营列队集合欢迎新的总司令。Environmental groups have given a guarded welcome to the Prime Minister's proposal.环保组织对首相的提议表示谨慎的欢迎。We welcome any comments from viewers, favourable or otherwise.我们欢迎观众的任何意见,无论是褒是贬。She held out her arms in welcome.她张开双臂表示欢迎。New members are welcome to the club.欢迎新成员加入俱乐部。She has a way of making you feel really welcome.她常让你觉得自己很受欢迎。The small park is a welcome oasis amid the city's many factories.这个小公园位于城市的许多工厂之间,是片受欢迎的乐土。You're welcome to it as far as I'm concerned.在我看来,你尽管拿去好了。We're having a party on Saturday – you're very welcome to come.周六我们要搞个聚会,非常欢迎你来。There were a thousand or more fans at the airport to welcome the band.有一千多名歌迷在机场迎接该乐队。Any progress in reducing chemical weapons is welcome.任何在削减化学武器方面取得的进展都是令人欢欣鼓舞的。She went out of her way to make me feel welcome.她费尽心思要让我觉得我是受欢迎的。He bounced into the room to welcome his guests.他兴奋地冲进房间欢迎客人们。I welcome the reduction in road traffic fatalities.我乐于看到道路交通事故死亡人数的下降。Acold drink would be very welcome.喝一杯冷饮会使人觉得很舒服。The bath was welcome for the heat.因为天热,这个澡洗得真舒服。I'd like to welcome a new member of staff.我要对一名新员工表示欢迎。 |