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词汇 权威
例句 She hasn't been reluctant to exert her authority.她一直乐于行使她的权威We see him as an authority on the subject.我们把他看作为这方面的权威The EU is now acquiring greater assurance and authority.欧盟现在更加自信也更具权威了。He bore an air of authority.他显出一副权威的样子。She's irreverent, fun and hugely popular.她不惧权威,幽默风趣,很受欢迎。Critics claim that these reforms will gut the law.批评家们宣称,这些改革将有损法律权威The Prime Minister aimed to reassert his authority.首相意在重申他的权威He refuses to acknowledge the authority of the court. 他拒绝承认法庭的权威He is a noted authority on English literature.他是著名的英国文学权威Both teachers have had to deal with many challenges to their authority.两位教师都曾不得不应对对他们的权威的诸多质疑。The Party's authority, comrades, will be put to a serious test.同志们,党的权威将受到严重的考验。She was widely regarded as the country's leading authority on plant diseases.许多人都认为她是本国研究植物疾病的权威He pulled his scientific authority on me.他对我大耍他那科学权威的威风。He is one of Mexico's foremost authorities on Aztec culture.他是墨西哥研究阿兹特克文化最著名的权威之一。He wished to assert his authority in his own house.他希望在家里维持自己的权威The theories are dismissed by a number of nautical authorities.这些理论为一些航海权威们所屏弃。For centuries, the Church exercised almost unquestioned authority.几个世纪以来教会一直扮演着几乎不容置疑的权威角色。I don't set up to be an authority on this subject.我不认为自己在这门学科方面是权威She is the pre-eminent authority in her subject.她在自己的学科领域是杰出的权威He disclaims the authority of Jesus.他不承认耶稣的权威The Brown daughters had never challenged their mother's authority in these matters.布朗家的女儿们从不怀疑母亲在这些事情上的权威Popular acceptance of authority had been an early aim of the Nationalists.国家主义者的一个早期目标是推动民众对权威的接受。He has lost his standing as an authority.他已丧失了权威的资格。The guidebook is the ultimate arbiter of culinary excellence.这本指南是评定烹饪水平的最权威评判。She represented authority just because of the way she looked and spoke.她代表权威只不过是因为她的长相和谈吐。He was a maverick with a healthy disregard for authority.他思想独立,不受权威所左右。Our boss's opinions seem to carry very little weight at home.我们老板的意见在家里似乎没有什么权威She should be given more authority over her staff.她应被赋予更多权威来管理职员。She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness.她坚定地树立起自己绝对的权威I think he had the balance of authority, discipline, and kid gloves just about right.我认为他在平衡权威、纪律以及圆通方面做得恰到好处。Our professor is a literary authority.我们的教授是一位文学权威French dress designers have long been the dictators in the world of fashion.法国服装设计师长期以来一直是左右时装界的权威In political matters George Washington went out of his way to avoid invoking the authority of Christ.在政治问题上,乔治·华盛顿刻意避免借助基督的权威People are forced to give unquestioned obedience to authority.人们被迫绝对服从权威Her hatred of authority led to her expulsion from high school.她对权威的仇恨导致她被中学开除。A good dictionary is an authority on the meanings of words.一本好的词典是词义方面的权威He took criticism to extremes and challenged his authority.他评论得太过头,动摇了他的权威On the domestic front, de Gaulle's priority was to secure his government's authority.在国内事务方面,戴高乐重点是确保政府的权威If the owner believes he has lost the dressing room, it could spell the end for the manager. 如果球队老板认为总教练失去了权威,这就意味着他要丢工作了。He's a world expert on marine mammals.他是研究海洋哺乳动物方面的世界性权威




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