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词汇 wedding
例句 Her wedding got a big photo spread in the magazine.该杂志上有她婚礼的大幅跨页照片。She's devoting all her energies to the wedding plans.她把所有精力都花在筹备婚礼上了。The next time we will see each other will be on our wedding day.我们下一次见面会是在我们婚礼那天。The wedding has been the only topic of conversation for weeks.这场婚礼是几个星期中谈论的唯一话题。They had glorious weather for their wedding.他们举行婚礼的那天天气好极了。Let's hope it stays fine for the wedding.希望婚礼时天气仍然晴好。They wouldn't invite John, not after the way he behaved at Sally's wedding.他们不会邀请约翰,就因为他在萨莉婚礼上的那种表现。She dazzled fellow guests at the society wedding of the year.她在今年的名流婚礼上迷倒了各位男宾。It was a modest but jolly wedding.那可是个朴素但喜庆的婚礼。The wedding season is upon us.结婚旺季就要来了。They rushed out 1,000 cheap copies of the Queen's wedding dress.他们照著女王的结婚礼服赶制了一千件廉价仿制品。Rafaella wore a stunning white satin wedding gown.拉斐拉身穿一袭极漂亮的白色缎子婚纱。The wedding was a very low-key affair.婚礼办得毫不招摇。They had a buffet at the wedding.婚礼时,他们吃自助餐。It's our ruby wedding.这是我们的红宝石婚。I decided to go/take the traditional route and have a big wedding.我决定依照传统方式,举办一场盛大婚礼。She saved her wedding gown for sentimental reasons.她把婚纱留作纪念。I've been invited to their wedding but I haven't decided whether to accept.他们邀请我参加婚礼,但是我还没有决定去不去。Have they set a date for the wedding yet?他们婚礼的日子定下来了吗?Margaret's ex-husband turned up at the wedding. Honestly, you could have heard a pin drop.玛格丽特的前夫出现在婚礼现场。老实说,当时全场真是鸦雀无声。The bride wore a lovely lace wedding gown.新娘穿了一件美丽的蕾丝礼服。The priest blessed their marriage at the wedding.牧师在婚礼上圣化了他们的婚姻。She couldn't resist having a dig at her sister, even on the latter's wedding day.她总是忍不住要挖苦她妹妹一番,甚至在妹妹婚礼那天也不例外。The fact she didn't invite her mother to her wedding says a lot about their relationship.她没请母亲参加她的婚礼这件事清楚地表明了她们之间的关系。The wedding was a quiet affair.婚礼是悄悄地进行的。Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost.可以免费在你的婚戒上刻上个人题字。I'm having the final fitting of my wedding dress on Thursday.周四我要最后试穿一次结婚礼服。The wedding photos have come out really well.婚礼的照片冲印出来效果很好。Then there are all the other bits and pieces involved in a wedding: invitations, photos, and car hire.还有就是其他跟婚礼有关的零星琐事:发请帖、拍照和租车。I have a fitting for my wedding dress this afternoon.我今天下午要去试穿婚纱。He wants to make their wedding day an affair to remember. 他想让他们的婚礼这一天成为值得纪念的日子。Mom has been on the run all week preparing for Tom's wedding.母亲为准备汤姆的婚礼已经马不停蹄忙了整整一星期。It was to have been a double wedding.原本打算两件婚事一起办的。I have to buy a wedding present and I want to find something really original.我得买一份结婚礼品,希望能找到一样真正独特的东西。I do hope you'll be able to come to the wedding我确实希望你能来参加婚礼。I spent ages in town trying to find something to wear for the wedding.我在镇上逛了很长时间,想买在婚礼上穿的衣服。It might have been raining, but it was still a nice wedding.尽管直下雨,那依旧是一场很棒的婚礼。The wedding will be at the beginning of March.婚礼定于三月初举行。He invited only a select circle of friends to the wedding.他只邀请了特别选择的朋友来参加婚礼。Fellow soldiers formed a guard of honour / honor at his wedding.战友们在他婚礼上组成了一个仪仗队。




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