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词汇 拉链
例句 James unzipped his bag.詹姆斯把自己包上的拉链拉开。She zipped the tent open/closed.她把帐篷的拉链拉开/拉上了。Can you help him with his zipper?你能帮他弄弄他的拉链吗?I can't do this zip up - it's stuck.我拉不上拉链,它卡住了。She unzipped the tent flap.她拉开了帐篷门帘的拉链She zippered the bag shut.她拉上袋子的拉链Her hair got trapped in the zip of her jacket.她的头发缠到了夹克衫的拉链上。Will you zip me up, please?帮我把衣服上的拉链拉上好吗?This bag's too full, I can't zip it shut.这包装得太满,拉链都拉不上了。She finished her packing and zipped up the bag.她收拾好东西,把包上的拉链拉好。This padded changing bag unzips to form a convenient and comfortable mat for nappy changing.这种加厚型妈咪袋把拉链打开就是一块方便、舒适的垫子,可给宝宝换尿布。Your zip's undone at the back.你后背的拉链没拉。The jacket fastened with a zip at the front.这件夹克在前面系拉链The sundress has a neat back zip fastening.这件背心裙背部有一个巧妙的拉链The jacket zips down the front. 那款夹克衫是拉链前开式的。I zipped her up because she couldn't do it herself.我把她衣服的拉链拉上了,因为她自己拉不上。We zipped up the opening of the tent to stop the mosquitoes getting in.我们拉上帐篷开口处的拉链,不让蚊子飞进来。She unzipped the case and took out a thick file.她拉开箱子的拉链,拿出一个厚厚的文件夹。He zipped up his jacket.他拉上了夹克衫的拉链Then, horror of horrors, I discovered that my zip had been undone the whole time I was talking to her.最糟糕的是,我发现跟她说话的时候我裤子的拉链是一直开着的。I helped him zip his jacket.我帮他拉上了夹克衫的拉链The coat has a zipper closure. 这件外套是用拉链的。He unzipped his jacket.他拉开了夹克衫的拉链I gave it a tug and the zipper broke off.我用力一拉,拉链就脱落了。He zipped up his jeans.他拉上牛仔裤的拉链He unzipped his school bag and rummaged about for a pencil.他拉开书包的拉链,在里面翻找铅笔。Can you zip my dress for me?你能为我拉上连衣裙的拉链吗?It zips up at the back.它是在后面用拉链扣上的。The dress fastens with a long back zip.这条连衣裙背后用长拉链扣住。I can't zip up these jeans - they're too tight.我拉不上牛仔裤拉链,裤子太紧了。The two sleeping bags can be zipped together to make a double.这两个睡袋可以用拉链拉起来合成一个双人睡袋。The dress zipped up at the front.这件连衣裙的拉链是在前面的。He zipped/buttoned his fly.他把裤子的拉链拉上了/前裆扣上了。She went to the lavatory to check if her trouser zip was undone.她去厕所查看自己裤子的拉链是不是没拉上。She zipped her jeans and pulled on her shirt.她拉上牛仔裤的拉链,穿上了衬衫。Your zip's undone!你的拉链松开了!She closed the loose-leaf and zipped it tight.她关上活页笔记簿,并把拉链紧紧拉上。I slowly zipped and locked the heavy black nylon bags.我慢慢地把那些沉重的黑色尼龙袋的拉链拉上并锁好。He zipped his flies.他把裤子的拉链拉上了。She zipped up her son's jacket.她给儿子拉上了夹克衫的拉链




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