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词汇 wash
例句 My grandmother used to hang the wash on a clothesline.我奶奶以前总用晾衣绳晾洗好的衣服。The party was a complete wash-out.派对完全搞砸了。He was having a wash, bending over the basin and splashing his face.他正在洗脸,俯向脸盆往脸上泼水。Take a vacation to wash away your troubles.休个假,把你的烦恼一扫而光。Permanent dyes won't wash out.永久性染料不易洗掉。If they believe that solution would wash with the Haitian people, they are making a dramatic error.如果他们认为海地人会接受那个解决方案,那他们就大错特错了。To remove algae from your aquarium, drain off the water and wash the tank thoroughly.要除去鱼缸里的藻类,就得放掉水彻底清洗缸壁。Your favorite shirt is in the wash.你爱穿的衬衫正在洗。We could hear the wash of the waves against the rocks.我们可以听见海浪拍打岩石的声音。Do as you're told and go and wash your hands.照我说的做,去洗手。She had a wash and changed her clothes.她洗澡后换了身衣服。I'll just wash up these plates.我马上就把这些盘子洗了。Joan very kindly offered to wash the dishes.琼很体贴人,提出由她来洗碗。Set on a cool wash and finish with a short spin.设定用凉水洗衣,最后短时脱水。Strip the beds and wash the sheets.把床单撤下来洗洗。Was she able to wash the dirty mark out of her dress?她有办法洗去连衣裙上的污迹吗? The shirt's colors might bleed if you wash it in hot water.这件衬衫如果用热水洗可能会掉色。We were given a basin of water to wash our hands in.有人给了我们一盆水来洗手。I'll wash and you dry, okay?我来洗,你来擦干,好吗?You'd better wash that cut with some iodine.你最好在那刀伤处涂些碘酒。You should wash your hands before eating, to guard against disease.你饭前应洗手,以防生病。Make sure you use soap and water to wash your hands.你务必要用肥皂和水洗手。My mom always makes me wash the dishes.我妈总是要我洗盘子。Do you have any dirty clothes you need me to wash?你有什么脏衣服需要我洗吗?Does that ink wash off?那块墨迹洗得掉吗?Is she able to wash the dirty mark out of her coat?她能把大衣上的污迹洗掉吗? He is trying to wash away his sins.他正试图洗刷他的罪过。We didn't wash up the dinner things until the morning after.我们第二天早上才洗餐具。The heavy rain caused the bridge to wash out.大雨使桥被冲走。 I helped wash up the lunch things.我帮忙清洗了午餐餐具。Let the pans soak; I'll wash them later.让锅子泡着吧,我过一会儿再洗。Don't use harsh soap to wash your face. It will ruin your skin.不要用刺激性强的肥皂洗脸,它会损坏你的皮肤。Once the forest cover is felled, rains wash away the soil.森林一旦遭到砍伐,雨水就会把泥土冲走。He gave the car a wash.他把车洗了一下。No one knows who was responsible, but surely it will all come out in the wash.没人知道责任在谁,但事情一定会水落石出的。Blaming her poor grades on the teacher just doesn't wash. 把她的成绩不佳归咎于老师不能让人信服。We hope that things will come out all right in the wash.我们希望事情会圆满结束。 My job was to tote their golf bags and wash their cars.我的工作是帮他们背高尔夫球袋和洗车。I'd like to wash my hands.我想去洗一下手。Is there time for me to wash my hair before we leave?出发前,我还有时间洗头发吗?




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