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词汇 war zone
例句 Reporters described the suffering they had seen in the war zone.记者报道了他们在战区见到的痛苦情形。Their training completed, the regiment embarked for the war zone.训练结束之后,该团登船奔赴战区。Helicopters have been sent in to rescue the wounded from the war zone.直升机已被派去营救战区的伤员。The Red Cross rushed medical supplies to the war zone.红十字会火速将医疗物资送往战区。Most of the refugees from the former war zone have now been sent back.从以前战区来的大部分难民都已遣返。After working in the war zone for a time, journalists become hardened to the violence and suffering.在战区工作一段时间之后,记者们对暴力和苦难已经习以为常。The incident graphically illustrates just how dangerous the situation in the war zone has become.这起事件清楚表明交战地区的局势已经到了多么危险的地步。Some people mistakenly believe that the country is still a war zone.有人误以为这个国家仍是一个战火纷飞的地区。The Red Cross flew emergency food supplies into the war zone.红十字会把应急食物空运到战区。RAF medical crews are on standby to fly out to the war zone.英国皇家空军的医疗队在待命飞往战区。The guerrillas were said to be operating from bases inside the war zone.据说游击队员是从战区内部的基地出发进行活动的。I felt like a voyeur visiting the war zone and seeing badly injured people being dragged from their bomb-shattered homes.我在战区看到身受重伤的人们被从炸毁的家园中拖出来时,感觉自己就像个偷窥者。The reporter sent many dispatches from the war zone.这位记者从战区发回了很多报道。We had accidentally strayed into the war zone.我们走错路意外地闯进了交战区。The demand for food in the war zone now far outstrips supply.现在战区对于粮食的需求远远超过了供应量。Military leaders have decided to pull the troops out of the war zone.军事首脑们决定把部队撤出交战区。They described the war zone as sheer hell.他们把交战区描述成十足的地狱。Computers identify threats and zap the results back to US pilots in the war zone.计算机发现危险情况会立刻把结果传回战区的美军飞行员。Aid workers returning from the war zone reported seeing groups of rebels waving white flags.从战区回来的救援人员说,看见一群群叛乱分子挥舞着白旗。The south side of the city has virtually become a war zone.该城的南边实际上已成为战区。The sick and wounded were evacuated from the war zone.伤病员从战区撤了出来。All foreign journalists have been told to leave the war zone as soon as possible.所有外国记者都被告知要尽快撤离战区。People are not going to accept being sent back to the war zone without putting up a fight.人们不会束手接受被送回战区。Holidaying in a war zone is not an attractive proposition.在战区度假不是一个有吸引力的提议。




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