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词汇 wars
例句 There were important differences between the two wars.两次战争之间存在着显著区别。She has lived through two world wars.她经历过两次世界大战。These are people who have lived through two world wars.这些人经历了两次世界大战。Humans have long dreamed of droids to do our dirty work, whether washing the dishes or fighting our wars.长期以来,人类就梦想着由机器人来完成那些类似洗盘子或者打仗的苦活。World War I was supposed to be the war to end all wars.第一次世界大战曾被认为是结束所有战争的战争。In his speech he promised full support to wars of independence waged by colonial peoples.在演说中,他承诺全力支持殖民地人民发动的独立战争。Germany between the two world wars两次世界大战间歇期中的德国Nobody likes to have wars, but we must make preparations for a hypothetical warfare.没有人喜欢战争,但我们一定要为假设性的战争作出准备。The new constitution dropped all reference to previous wars.新宪法丝毫未提以前的战争。Inflation rocketed in the period between the wars.两次战争之间通货膨胀加剧。You look like you've been in the wars.你看上去好像受伤了。During her lifetime she had witnessed two world wars.她一生亲历了两次世界大战。She lived through two world wars.她经历过两次世界大战。Some wars are fought for the greater good.有时候打仗是为了获取更大的利益。One woman in Brooklyn lost a husband and two sons in the gang wars.在黑帮争斗中,布鲁克林的一名妇女失去了丈夫和两个儿子。The Cold War also saw proxy wars fought throughout the developing world.冷战时期所有发展中国家都发生过傀儡战争。My, you have been in the wars. How did you get that bruise?哎呀!你受过伤。怎么受伤的?Factories had increased in number between the wars.两次战争之间,工厂的数量增加了。She survived through two world wars.她经历了两次世界大战而幸存。Many senior citizens have been through two world wars.很多年长的公民都经历了两次世界大战。Years of reporting on wars hardened them to human suffering.多年来对战争的报道使他们对人类的苦难变得麻木了。Union bosses used their members as cannon fodder in industrial wars that suited their own ambitions.工会头头们为实现自己野心,在罢工斗争中把会员当作牺牲品。The two wars followed broadly the same pattern.两次战争大体上遵循了相同的模式。To what extent were politicians responsible for the high unemployment which Britain experienced between the wars?两次战争期间英国面临的高失业率问题,政治家要在多大程度上负责任?We may find ourselves dragged into new wars and new threats of wars.我们可能会发现我们自己被扯到新的战争或新战争的威胁中去了。In all wars, it's innocent civilians who suffer most.不管什么样的战争,受苦最深的是无辜的平民。Acts of God, terrorism, and wars are excluded by the policy.本保单对由于不可抗力、恐怖活动和战争造成的损失不予赔付。On this day we remember the dead of two world wars.在这一天,我们来纪念两次世界大战的死难者。In modern wars both combatants and noncombatants are killed in air attacks.在现代战争中,战斗人员和非战斗人员遇上空袭都可能丧生。Many people came to this country in desperate flight from wars or famines.许多人不顾一切逃避战争或饥荒,来到该国。That tie you are wearing wars with your suit.你戴的那条领带同你的套装不配。You've got a cut on your arm as well, you poor thing. You really have been in the wars!你胳膊上也有道伤口,可怜的家伙。你真的受了不少伤!Strategy wins wars; tactics wins battles.赢得战争靠战略,打赢战役靠战术。The country has been plagued by wars, civil wars, and internal rebellions.该国饱经战争、内战以及内部叛乱的祸患。He was on active service in three separate wars.他参加过三场战争。The computer wars are going to get vicious over the next few years.计算机行业的竞争在未来几年将愈演愈烈。The country has gone through too many wars.这个国家经历了太多的战争。He lived at the time of the Napoleonic wars.他生活在拿破仑战争时期。There was an interval of five years between the two civil wars.那两次内战之间间隔了五年。The roots of the wars in the Balkans go back hundreds of years.巴尔干半岛的多场战争的根源要追溯到数百年前。




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