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词汇 warp
例句 The vigorous Anglo-Saxon base had become the warp and woof of English speech.富有生气的盎格鲁-萨克逊语词基成了英国语言的根底。Walking into the castle was like entering a time warp.走进这座城堡就像穿过时间隧道,回到了过去。The house seemed to be stuck in a 19th-century time warp.这栋房子似乎还停留在十九世纪。The door is said to be warp-proof.据说那扇门是防翘曲的。The country had little contact with the outside world, and remained caught in something of a time-warp.这个国家很少与外界接触,仍然停留在过去的某个时代。Business is moving at warp speed.贸易正以超乎寻常的速度推进。The warp of the economic structure is agriculture.经济结构的基础是农业。Apartheid was woven deeply into the warp and woof of society as it was organized in South Africa.种族隔离深深植根在社会结构中,就像在南非的情况一样。There's a warp in the floorboards.地板翘起了一块。Sidecords are usually made up of a group of warp threads overcast with wool.缘饰通常是由一组用羊毛包边的经纱组成的。This principle has been woven into the warp and woof of his life.这个原则已经成了他生活的根底。The shuttle moves backwards and forwards through the warp.梭子在经线中来回移动。It's like living in a time warp.那就像生活在时间静止的幻觉中。A steel girder may warp in a fire.钢梁遇火会变弯。There's a warp in the board.这块木板有点翘曲不平。Bitterness gave her outlook a peculiar warp.怨愤使她的观点带有一种古怪的偏见。It's funny how having all that money can warp your judgment.真奇怪,有了那些钱竟可以让你判断失常。He's living in a time warp - he even wears a suit to work!他好像还生活在过去——居然穿西装去上班。Left out in the heat of the sun, tapes easily warp or get stuck in their cases.如果放在太阳下暴晒,磁带很容易翘曲或在磁带盒里黏结。The heat caused the wood to warp.高温使这块木头变了形。Bitterness gave his outlook a peculiar warp.怨恨使他的观点带有一种古怪的偏见。Some woods warp under stress.有些木材受力后会弯曲。When a divorced woman re-enters the world of dating and romance, she's likely to feel as though she has entered a time warp.当一个离了婚的女人重新进入约会和浪漫的世界时,她很可能有种回到从前的错觉。I never had any toys, my father thought that they would warp my personal values.我从来没有任何玩具,我父亲认为它们会扭曲我的价值观。The warp of battle might remain in him a long time.关于作战的反常心理可能长期在他心中存留。




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