例句 |
They looked at each other warily.他们警惕地看着彼此。She studied me warily, as if I might turn violent.她警惕地打量着我,似乎担心我会动粗。He skated warily around the subject once or twice.他有一两次谨慎地将这个话题一带而过。The two teams eyed each other warily, waiting for the game to begin.两支队伍警惕地盯着对方,等待着比赛开始。We'll need to tread warily through the minefield of departmental politics.我们得小心翼翼地踩过部门政治这一潜在危险区。He made his way up the stairs, glancing warily over his shoulder and keeping close to the wall.他走上楼去,一边警惕地朝身后看,一边紧贴着墙。 |