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词汇 不可靠的
例句 They are building their arguments on very shaky premises.他们把论点建立在不可靠的前提之上。The author shows a weak/feeble/shaky grasp of military strategy.作者对军事策略的理解是浅薄/肤浅/不可靠的The witness is biased and so unreliable.证人抱有偏见,所以是不可靠的Not long ago, computers were crude, unreliable machines, used by only a few experts.不久以前,电脑还是只有少数专家使用的既简陋又不可靠的机器。She is saddled with a reputation for not being dependable.她背负着不可靠的名声。He is a faithless friend.他是个不可靠的朋友。No sensible person would put his money in a bank he knew to be unsound.凡是有头脑的人都不会把钱存到自己明知不可靠的银行里。It's misleading to judge from externals.以貌取人是不可靠的This statement is not reliable as evidence.这一陈述作为证据是不可靠的He seems a bit of an iffy character.他似乎是个有点儿不可靠的人。They invested in a shaky business venture.他们投资了一个不可靠的商业项目。He is an utterly untrustworthy, unreliable source.他是一个完全不值得信任、不可靠的信息源。His acceptance of a huge loan from a shady businessman looks suspicious to say the least.他从一个不可靠的生意人那里接受了一笔巨额贷款,这事最起码可以说是可疑的。Don't misplace your confidence by trusting that irresponsible man.别相信那个不可靠的家伙,不然你就是滥施信任了。His journals are full of dubious pearls of homespun wisdom.他的日记中记下了许多朴素却不可靠的箴言。His speculations in unsound stocks made him bankrupt.他在不可靠的股票上做投机买卖弄得自己破了产。A dispute between potential witnesses and a feeling that the evidence might be rather thin caused some back-pedalling yesterday.潜在证人之间发生了分歧,证据也给人一种很不可靠的感觉,这些在昨天造成了一些人立场的改变。The anthrax test is unreliable because it produces too many false positives.炭疽菌检测是不可靠的,因为这种方法产生太多假阳性结果。I worked out the problem was a flaky transceiver.我发现问题出在一台不可靠的无线电收发器上。Some British banks have used doubtful property revaluations to improve their capital ratios.有些英国银行通过使用不可靠的资产重估来提高它们的资本率。




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