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词汇 wandered
例句 We arrived at the airport, checked our baggage and wandered around the gift shops.我们到了机场托运完行李后,到礼品店闲逛。For an hour and a half we wandered around the old city, totally lost.我们在这座古城闲逛了一个半小时,完全迷路了。They wandered the jungle,searching for food.他们在丛林中走来走去,寻找食物。He wandered through the streets of Calcutta.他漫步在加尔各答的大街上。The child wandered out of sight.那孩子走远了。He had wandered far from the family hearth.他远远地徘徊在家庭生活之外。One day she wandered further afield.有一天她游荡到更远的地方。Richard and Laura exchanged conspiratorial glances, for all the world like two naughty children who had wandered away from home.理查德和劳拉交换了一下会意的眼神,就像两个离家出走的顽皮孩子。Mrs Snell's mind wandered and the voices went on and on.斯内尔太太走神了,而说话声依然不绝于耳。They wandered around the shopping precinct for an hour while Suzie was having her hair cut.在苏茜剪头发的时候,他们在购物区逛了一小时。We wandered along the shore, stepping over the flotsam that had washed up in the night.我们沿着海岸漫步,跨过夜晚冲上岸边的零碎杂物。Their attention wandered and they lacked the discipline to learn.他们的注意力不集中,缺乏学习的自控能力。Gretchen wandered into the kitchen, only half awake and looking for coffee.格蕾琴还没有完全醒过来,迷迷糊糊地走进厨房去找咖啡。She wandered back into the next door office.她溜达回了隔壁的办公室。I wandered around aimlessly.我漫无目的地到处游荡。We danced on the green, dined at the hermitage, and wandered in the woods by moonlight.我们在绿茵上跳舞,在僻静的住所晚餐,在月光下漫步于森林中。His mind wandered to the things he was trying not to think about.他的思绪又回到他努力不去想的那些事情上。She wandered through the woods.她信步穿过林区。Jim wandered into the kitchen to make breakfast.吉姆信步走进厨房做早餐。I wandered restlessly around my room.我不安地在屋子里走来走去。They wandered down the street.他们沿着大街溜达。Tourists wandered through the crumbling remains of an ancient Greek temple.游客在一座古希腊庙宇的废墟间漫步。She wandered around the market stalls, stopping occasionally to look at something that took her fancy.她在市场的各摊位闲逛,偶尔有什么喜欢的,就停下来看看。All through the night he wandered in and out of delirium.整个晚上他反复出现神志不清的状况。She wandered into a London beauty salon to have her bikini line waxed.她逛进伦敦一家美容院做了比基尼线热蜡除毛。When he got bored he wandered around the fair.他感到无聊时就去集市上逛逛。The boy wandered off and got lost.那孩子走散后迷了路。The speaker was dull and their attention soon wandered.演讲者的演讲很乏味,所以他们很快就走神了。Neath stars and sun we wandered我们漫步在星空和阳光下。I wandered into the hotel bar and ordered a drink.我溜达进了这家旅馆的酒吧要了一杯酒。He wandered away from the trail and got lost.他偏离了小路,迷路了。The old man wandered along, swigging occasionally from a whiskey bottle.那老汉在闲逛着,偶尔从瓶子里喝一大口威士忌。He wandered around, cleaning up in a desultory way.他四下走走,心不在焉地收拾收拾。We wandered over the dunes.我们漫步在沙丘间。He listened with only half an ear and his thoughts wandered.他心不在焉地听着,思绪游移不定。Nancy wandered for hours aimlessly along the intertwining roads and footpaths.南茜毫无目的地在纵横交错大路与小径之间徘徊了几个小时。They wandered about for several hours.他们四处游逛了好几个钟头。I wandered around for a while, getting my bearings.我徘徊了一会,设法辨明自己所处的位置。He wandered through dimly lit hallways, crunching broken glass.他漫无目的地穿过昏暗的走廊,把碎玻璃踩得嘎吱嘎吱作响。The dog wandered off dragging the leash.那条狗拖着皮带跑掉了。




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