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词汇 邋遢
例句 Ann was dressed in a sloppy brown sweater.安穿了一件邋遢的棕色羊毛衫。Solitude was no excuse for sloppiness.独居不是邋遢的理由。My room's a total pit, but I'm too lazy to clean it.我的房间很邋遢,可我又懒得打扫。She's really untidy at home.她在家真的很邋遢He is always down at the heel in appearance.他总是衣着邋遢He is a scuzzy guy.他是个邋遢的家伙。His appearance is even more slovenly than usual.他的样子比平常更为邋遢His uniform was crumpled, untidy, splashed with mud.他的制服皱巴巴的,邋遢不堪,还溅上了泥点。He followed her up a rickety staircase to a squalid bedsit.他跟着她上了一段摇摇晃晃的楼梯,来到了一间邋遢的卧室起居室两用房间。Students who are rude and scruffy give the school a bad name.粗鲁邋遢的学生会玷污学校的名声。Her slovenliness was the despair of her parents.她的邋遢使她父母感到毫无办法。He was very uptight about his daughter's scraggly-looking boyfriends.他女儿那些外表邋遢的男朋友们令他紧张不安。I can't go out looking like this - I'm a mess.我不能就这个样子出去—看上去很邋遢Spruce yourself up a fit-you look a mess.把你自己打扮得整洁漂亮一点,你的样子很邋遢A scuzzy guy on the bus tried to talk to me.在公共汽车上,一个邋遢的男人试图跟我搭讪。His wrinkled suit gave him a disheveled appearance.一身皱巴巴的衣服使他显得很邋遢The British are considered ill-mannered, badly dressed and unsophisticated.英国人被认为缺乏教养、衣着邋遢、头脑简单。She's always criticizing her husband for being sloppy.她老是指责她丈夫邋遢His suit showed Western styling but was sloppily worn.他这套衣服是西方款式的,但已邋遢破旧。I feel a bit of a scruff in my jeans.我穿着牛仔裤感觉有些邋遢She asked a scruffy-looking little boy to show her the way to the police station.她请一个邋遢相的小男孩带她去警察局。He looked weary and bedraggled.他看上去又疲惫,又邋遢She's wearing that scruffy old sweater again.她又穿那件邋遢的旧毛衣了。The town today is a shabby, down-at-heel place.如今这座城市成了破旧邋遢的地方。The boys looked pretty raunchy after a night of drinking.男孩们在喝了一夜的酒之后看起来很邋遢Their landlady was fat and slovenly.他们的女房东又胖又邋遢His untidiness sends her crazy/mad/wild.他的邋遢让她大为恼火。She was dressed in the pokiest way imaginable.她穿得简直是邋遢透顶。Look at you – you're a mess!看看你,真够邋遢的!You look a right scruff.你看上去真邋遢We spent the evening listening to third-rate writers read their poetry in a seedy nightclub.那晚上我们就在一家邋遢的夜总会里听一些三流作家朗诵自己的诗作。I don't know how you can stand living in a pigsty like this.我不知道这样邋遢的地方你怎么能住得下去。He's really let himself go in the past few years.他在过去的几年里实在很邋遢He's a very untidy person.他是一个非常邋遢的人。She is a stylish/sloppy dresser.她是个衣着时髦/邋遢的人。She was dressed in her scruffiest jeans.她穿着自己最邋遢的牛仔裤。The people there, quite raggedy, stare at us.那里的人们,穿得很邋遢,盯着我们看。I've become more untidy since I stopped going out to work.自从不出去工作以来,我变得更加邋遢了。I'll have to improve my slovenly habits - my mother's coming to stay.我得改变自己邋遢的习惯——我母亲要来住了。Her date was a bit of a slob, but she had fun nevertheless.她的约会对象有点懒散邋遢,不过她乐在其中。




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