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词汇 walk out
例句 The crowd went loco when she walked out on the stage.她一走上舞台人群就沸腾起来。She stuffed the money into her pocket and walked out.她把钱塞进口袋,走了出去。He walked out of the band after a bust-up with his brother.他和他弟弟大吵一场以后离开了乐队。She walked out of the room.她走出了房间。When she called him a liar, his only answer was to walk out.她叫他骗子时,他唯一的反应就是离开。The stage is huge, you know, and I walked out there, and I was real nervous.你知道那舞台极大,我走上台,胆怯极了。Half of the representatives walked out of the meeting.一半代表退出了会议。He walked out, and Louise went after him.他走了出去,路易丝也跟着出去了。Stiffly, she walked out of the room.她身体僵直地走出了房间。Isaac had found the work unendurable and walked out of the job.艾萨克觉得这份工作实在令人难以忍受,就辞职走人了。He used such strong language that some of the audience walked out.他说的脏话太难听了,有些观众都退场了。The actor walked out to the front of the stage.这位演员走到台前位置。He turned off the television, put on his coat and walked out.他关掉电视,穿上外套出去了。Mr. Mason walked out during the performance.梅森先生在演出时退场。She began to howl when he walked out of the door.他一走出门,她就号啕大哭起来。He turned away disgustedly and walked out the door.他愤然转身,走出了门。You can't walk out on your wife and children.你不能抛弃你的妻子和孩子。Several people walked out of the meeting in protest.几个人从会场退席以示抗议。We walked out onto the sandbar at low tide.退潮时,我们上了河口沙洲。Leaving them all stunned, she walked out of the bar.她走出了酒吧,任由他们惊得目瞪口呆。He just walked out and left me, without prior warning.他就那样离我而去,没有任何先兆。Her lover walked out on her after she had aborted their child.她的情人在她打掉胎儿后甩了她。Dumping the report on his desk without ceremony, she turned and walked out.她随意把报告往他桌子上一扔,转身就出去了。Just think; tomorrow we shall walk out of this place and leave it forever.你想想看,明天我们就要走出这个地方,再也不回来了。It'd serve him right if Jo walked out on him.乔不理他一走了之,也是他自作自受。Nationwide industrial action began earlier this week, when staff at most banks walked out.本周早些时候多数银行职员举行罢工,遍及全国的劳工行动由此开始。I was ready to walk out of the room when he said that.他在我想要离开房间时说出了那番话。He harangued his fellow students and persuaded them to walk out.他对他的同学慷慨陈词说服他们罢课。Her husband walked out last year.她丈夫去年突然出走了。Her patience snapped and she walked out.她一下子失去了耐心,走了出去。He walked out and the door shut behind him.他走了出去,门在他身后关上了。Several dozen councillors walked out of the meeting in protest.几十名政务会委员愤然从会场退席以示抗议。He walked out of the theatre the moment the band started up.乐队刚一开始演奏,他就退场了。She remembered the day her father had walked out on them and how her mother had just sat on the stairs and cried.她仍记得父亲离弃他们出走的那一天,她母亲就坐在楼梯上哭泣。The committee walked out, grim-faced and shocked.全体委员走了出去,脸色凝重,大为震惊。All the workers walked out on Friday night.星期五晚上所有的工人都罢工了。He was asked whether he would walk out if the worst came to the worst.他被问到如果发生最坏的情况他是否会退席。The workers walked out last month after a failure to agree terms.因未能就某些条款达成一致,工人上个月举行了罢工。I would have walked out of the job earlier but for the fact that I desperately needed the money.我如果不是急着需要钱,早就辞去那个工作了。She had walked out and gone to live in Bath with her granny.她离家出走后到巴斯与奶奶同住。




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