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词汇 waiter
例句 He appears briefly in the movie as a waiter.他在这部电影中出演一位戏份很少的服务员。The waiter was wiping the tables.那个服务员在擦桌子。Bridget grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter.布里奇特从在身边走过的侍者那里快速拿了一杯香槟酒。He waved at the waiter, who rushed to the table.他冲服务员招了招手,服务员就急忙跑到桌边。Ask for the bill if you can catch the waiter's eye.你要是能引起服务员的注意,就跟他要账单。As a waiter, he had grown to despise self-important customers.作为一个侍者,他渐渐开始鄙视那些妄自尊大的顾客。A waiter brought drinks and sandwiches, and set them out on a low table beside the pool.服务员端出饮料和三明治,摆放在游泳池旁边的一张矮桌上。I thought he was a waiter, while he made the reciprocal mistake and thought that I was.我以为他是服务员,而他也犯了和我相同的错误,以为我是服务员。We asked the waiter to explain the menu because it was in French.我们请侍者解释一下菜单,因为它是法文的。The waiter returned with their order and Graham signed the bill.侍者把他们点的餐端了过来,格雷厄姆签了单。They felt the waiter was being overly familiar.他们感觉那名服务生过于热情了。Did you tip the waiter?你给服务生小费了吗?He tries to dress it up, but he's basically a waiter.他想好好打扮一番,但他毕竟只是个服务员。He beckoned the waiter to ask for another bottle of wine.他示意服务员再来一瓶酒。I tried to catch the waiter's eye, so we could order.我努力想引起服务员的注意,这样我们就可以点菜了。A waiter suddenly materialized beside our table.一名侍者突然出现在我们的餐桌旁。A waiter offered him the menu.一名服务员向他递上了菜单。I tipped the waiter two dollars.我给侍者两块钱小费。I gave the waiter my card.我把信用卡递给服务员。She ordered a turkey sandwich and told the waiter to hold the mayo. 她点了一份火鸡三明治并告诉服务生不要涂蛋黄酱。Ask the waiter to bring the bill.要侍者拿账单来。As a waiter you want to be pleasant to people without appearing totally servile.作为服务员,你应该对人友好,但不要表现出完全卑躬屈膝的样子。Blake clicked his fingers at a passing waiter, who hurried across to them.布莱克对一个经过的侍者打了个响指,侍者赶紧朝他们走了过来。The waiter filled our glasses with water.服务生给我们的杯子倒满了水。A waiter came over and handed me the check.服务员过来给我账单。The wine waiter was hovering at his elbow.斟酒服务员在他的身边候着。The waiter finally came to take their orders.侍者终于过来请他们点菜。A waiter was rapidly rearranging tables for the big group.一个服务生正在麻利地为这一大帮人重新布置餐桌。The waiter glides effortlessly between the tables.服务员在桌子之间自如穿行。A waiter looked askance at Ellis's jeans.一个侍者对埃利斯的牛仔裤侧目而视。The waiter buggered up our order.服务生把我们点的菜弄错了。The waiter had an excessively subservient manner that made us very uncomfortable.服务员的态度过于恭顺,使我们感到很不舒服。The waiter totally ignored Glen and served a girl who had come up beside him.侍者根本不理睬格伦,转而去照应进来坐在他身旁的一位女孩子。The waiter quickly totted up the bill.服务生很快便把账单算好了。The waiter appeared like magic from the kitchen with a steaming hot lunch.一眨眼,侍者从厨房里端出了热气腾腾的饭菜。I told the head waiter I'd like a banquette so that I could eat relatively undisturbed.我告诉侍者领班我要一个靠墙的座位,以便在相对说来不受干扰的情况下进餐。The waiter quickly totted up our bill for the dinner.侍者很快地合计出我们晚餐的帐单。The waiter popped the corks on the champagne.侍者砰的一声拔出了香槟酒瓶的软木塞。The drunk man cannoned into a waiter.那个醉汉撞在侍者怀里。Don't forget the waiter.不要忘了给侍者小费。




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