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词汇 climber
例句 She was a bold and fearless climber.她是一位勇敢无畏的登山者。Any climber who neglects these simple precautions does so at their peril.攀登者若是忽视这些简单的安全措施,自己承担风险。When you've been climbing alone for hours, there's a tremendous sense of camaraderie when you meet another climber.独自攀登数小时后遇到另一个攀登者,这时你会产生强烈的志同道合感。Her husband was an expert rock climber.她丈夫是一名攀岩高手。The missing climber's chances of survival are slim.那个失踪的登山者生还的可能性很渺茫。A climber who lost his footing was taken to hospital with serious injuries.一位登山者失足摔成重伤后被送进医院。She is an adept rock-climber and a past master of the assault course.她具备熟练的攀岩技术,并且是军人越障训练的专家。The climber girded himself with a rope.登山者用绳子束住自己的腰部。The climber belayed the rope.攀岩者系上了保护绳。She was an affected social climber.她是一个装腔作势一心往上爬的人。The bitter wind sapped the climber's remaining strength.刺骨的寒风耗尽了爬山者最后的一点力气。He paid out the rope to the climber below him.他给下面的登山者放出绳子。The film opens with a shot of a climber dangling from a precipice.电影开始时是一个登山者悬在峭壁上的镜头。The climber grasped at a small hold just above him.这位登山队员抓住头顶上一个小小的支撑点。She led rescuers to the exact spot where the injured climber was lying.她把援救人员领到受伤的登山者所躺的准确位置。The injured climber has been airlifted to hospital.受伤的登山者已被空运到医院。The climber inched up a vertical wall of rock.攀登者慢慢爬上了陡直的石壁。The gale raging outside was sufficient to give pause to even the most courageous climber.外面呼啸的大风足以令最无畏的登山者踌躇不前。She's a skillful rock climber.她是攀岩高手。The rope snapped, causing the climber to plummet several hundred feet down the mountain.绳子咔嚓绷断,爬山运动员从高山上一坠几百英尺。A piton is a mountain climber's peg.岩钉就是登山运动员用的一种钢钉。The climber carried some food in a pack on his back.登山者在背包里带了些食品。The climber had only a precarious hold on the slippery rock.登山人在光滑的山岩上只有一处并不牢靠的地方可以攀援。




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