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词汇 vote in
例句 I didn't vote in the last election.上次选举时我没投票。He followed her lead and voted in favor of the proposal.他跟着她做,对提议投了赞同票。The committee voted in favour / favor of the plan.委员会投票支持该计划。Not one member voted in favour.没有一个成员投赞成票。A majority voted in support of the bill.大多数人投票支持这一法案。They vote in sheeplike fashion.他们随大溜地投了票。I see in the paper that the government lost a vote in Parliament.我从报上得悉政府在一次议会投票选举中失败。All the votes in the election have now been cast and the counting has begun.这次选举的投票现已全部结束,计票工作已经开始。The votes in the marginals are those that really count.边缘席位的选票才是最关键的。The People's Front expect to pick up a lot more votes in this year's elections.人民阵线在今年大选中获得的选票有望大幅增加。Are there enough votes in Congress to override the President's veto?国会是否有足够多的票数去推翻总统的否决?Many senators have received calls from constituents who want them to vote in favor of the law.许多参议员接到选民电话,希望他们投票支持这项法律。Almost half the population are eligible to vote in today's election.大约有一半人有资格参加今天的选举投票。After much soul-searching, he decided it was wrong to vote in the elections.经过深刻的内省之后,他认定参加选举投票是错误的。The people are preparing to vote in the elections.人们正在为参加选举投票做准备。He voted in favour of the plan.他对计划投了赞成票。The number of people who vote in elections is obscenely low.参加选举投票的人极少。She is politically illiterate and has never voted in an election.她对政治缺乏了解,也从未在选举中投过票。Only a minority of union members voted in favour of continuing the strike.工会成员中只有少数投票赞成继续罢工。The town voted in favor of a proposition calling for a ban on smoking in public spaces.镇上的人们投票支持在公共场合禁烟的法律修正议案。I believe that he would be the best possibility to recapture the centre vote in the forthcoming election.我相信在即将来临的选举中,他最有可能重新争取到中间派的选票。I wasn't old enough to vote in the last election.上次选举时,我还没有达到投票年龄。The vote was tied and a local union leader used his casting vote in favour of the return to work.两方票数相同,一名当地工会领导人投下了赞成复工的决定票。Two-thirds of the national electorate had the chance to vote in these elections.全国三分之二的选民有机会在本次大选中投票。The members of the national assembly will vote in a prime minister by a simple majority.国民议会成员将以简单多数的方式选出一个首相。Just how low is the government prepared to stoop in order to win votes in next month's election?为了在下个月的竞选中赢得选票,该政府会如何的不择手段呢?Delegates have voted in favour of the motion.代表们对这项动议投了赞成票。She returned home in order to vote in the elections.她回国是为了能参加选举投票。A clear agenda will win votes in the next election.清晰的议程将有助于在下次选举中赢得选票。He was opposed to the project at first, but then he changed sides and voted in favor of it.开始时他反对这个工程,但后来他改变立场投了赞成票。Only a quarter of registered voters actually voted in the election.登记选民中实际上只有四分之一参加了投票选举。You'll soon be old enough to vote in elections.你很快就到可以投票的年龄了。There were 16 votes in favor of my suggestion, and 15 against.十六票赞成我的建议,十五票反对。The city of Santa Cruz has voted in favor of a resolution.圣克鲁斯市民投票支持一项决议。They cast their votes in a secret ballot.他们采用无记名方式投了票。Most people voted for school reform. = Most people voted in favor of school reform.大多数人投票赞成学校改革。He was voted in for a second term of office.他当选连任该职位。Everyone in attendance voted in favor of the measure.所有出席的人都对这个措施投了赞成票。Union leaders had urged miners to vote in favour of an overtime ban.工会领导人呼吁矿工投票支持加班禁令。The change to the constitution reflects the wishes of the people who voted in the referendum.宪章的修改反映了在全民公决中投票的民众的愿望。




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