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词汇 voluntarily
例句 I would only leave here voluntarily if there was a chance to work abroad.只有海外有工作机会时,我才会主动离开。He surrendered voluntarily to his enemies.他自愿向敌人投降。I would only leave here voluntarily if there was a big chance to work abroad.只有当国外有非常好的工作机会时,我才会主动离开这里。She wasn't fired or asked to resign; she left voluntarily.她没被解雇,也没被要求辞职,她是自愿离职的。!Susan worked in the studios voluntarily, to gain experience.苏珊在工作室里义务工作,以获取经验。They will never voluntarily relinquish their independence.他们绝对不会自动放弃独立。After committing uxoricide, he turned himself to the police voluntarily.在杀妻之后,他主动向警方自首。In the world of politics, doing voluntarily what you have to do can be a sound piece of gamesmanship.在政界,主动做你不得不做的事有时是稳妥的一招。He was not asked to leave. He went voluntarily.没人赶他,是他自己走的。The fund is voluntarily administered.这笔资金是无偿提供的。They voluntarily submitted to the testing.他们是主动接受测试的。Fortunately, our employee problem resolved itself when two workers moved house and resigned voluntarily.幸好,有两名工人搬家并自动辞职,使我们的员工问题得以自然化解。Did he do it voluntarily, or did you make him?他是自愿做这事的,还是你叫他做的?Steir voluntarily surrendered his license to the State.斯泰尔主动向政府交出执照。They were said to have left their land voluntarily.据说他们是自愿离开他们的家园。She wasn't fired – she left voluntarily.她不是被解雇的 — 她是自愿离职的。The company has voluntarily recalled the product to check for defects.该公司主动召回产品检查缺陷。Her confession was made voluntarily.她是主动坦白的。Some were conscripted into the army and others joined voluntarily.有些人是应征入伍的,有些人则是自愿参军的。He voluntarily submitted to their control.他主动服从他们的控制。




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