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词汇 volatile
例句 This kind of fierce nationalism is a powerful and potentially volatile force.这种强烈的民族主义情绪是一股强大的、可能会突然爆发的潜在力量。The situation in the region's poorest country remains volatile and highly unpredictable.该地区最贫困的国家的形势依然多变,很难预测。He has a very volatile temper. 他的脾气很暴躁。She is a volatile woman.她是个喜怒无常的女人。Afghanistan is a fragile state in one of the most volatile regions of the world.阿富汗是一个处在世界上最动荡地区之一的脆弱国家。His art features a volatile mix of sexuality and violence.他的艺术以性欲与暴力变幻莫测的组合为主题。Armed soldiers guard the streets in this volatile atmosphere.在这动荡的环境下,武装士兵守卫着街道。She formed enduring friendships with women and more intense, volatile ones with men.她与女性的友谊稳定持久,而与男性则更为激烈、多变。The blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded.挥发性化学物质爆炸时产生了冲击波。The situation was made more volatile by the fact that people had been drinking a lot of alcohol.人们一直在大喝烈性酒,这让情况变得更加不稳定。The situation in that area was tense, dangerous and volatile.该地区的局势紧张、危险,且有一触即发之势。They were both too volatile not to have an occasional fight.双方都性子暴躁,以致不时会打上一架。It's thought that the blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded.人们认为,易挥发的化学物质爆炸时产生了冲击波。He has a volatile temper.他脾气反复无常。He is highly nervous and volatile in temperament.他生性神经极度过敏、喜怒无常。It became clear that calm, reasoned arguments were not working in this volatile situation.局势动荡,冷静理智的讨论显然已经不起作用。The political situation was becoming more volatile.政治局势正变得越来越动荡不安。In the book, Strayhorn comes across as a sympathetic human being, while Stan Getz emerges as a volatile character with a violent temper.在书中,斯特霍恩好像是个有同情心的人,而斯坦·盖茨则显得脾气暴躁,喜怒无常。The stock market can be very volatile.股市会急剧振荡。He accompanied the volatile actress to Hollywood the following year.第二年他陪着这位情绪无常的女演员去了好莱坞。He had a volatile temper and couldn't have been easy to live with.他的脾气十分暴躁,别人很难与他相处。The situation in Lebanon was tense, dangerous and volatile.黎巴嫩的局势紧张、危险、动荡不定。This kind of fierce nationalism is a potentially volatile force.这种强烈的民族主义意识是一种潜在的不稳定因素。Food and fuel prices are very volatile in a war situation.战争时期食品和燃料的价格极易波动。The protests are increasing, creating a volatile situation in the capital.抗议的声势越来越大,首都出现一触即发的局面。Gasoline is volatile.汽油是易挥发的。Edwards was a highly volatile character.爱德华兹的性情喜怒无常。The political situation in the Balkans is still extremely volatile.巴尔干各国的政治局势仍旧极其动荡。She is a volatile actress.她是个喜怒无常的女演员。




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