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词汇 virtue
例句 She says that virtue is its own reward. 她说美德本身就是回报。His supporters regard him as a model/paragon of virtue. 他的支持者将其视为道德模范/楷模。His virtue is patience.耐心是他的美德。He is a man of sublime virtue.他是具有高尚美德的人。Its other great virtue, of course, is its hard-wearing quality.它的另一个突出优点当然就是经久耐用。By virtue of these presents the wife is espoused.有了这些聘礼,就可以娶媳妇过门了。He claimed a pension in virtue of his long illness.由于长期生病,他申请救助金。The Slavophiles believed in the inherent virtue of the Russian people.亲斯拉夫的人相信俄罗斯人具有内在的好品质。She succeeded by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent.她成功靠的是坚韧不拔,而不是天赋。He claimed a pension by virtue of his long illness.由于长期生病,他申请救助金。He is a man of great virtue.他是一个品德高尚的人。Brevity is, in almost everything, a virtue.几乎在任何情况下,简洁都是一种美德。You're the paragon of virtue, I don't think.你是美德的典范,才怪呢。She was seen as a paragon of domestic virtue.她被看成是家庭美德的完美典范。Obedience is an important military virtue.服从命令是军人的一种重要品质。He is a paragon of virtue. 他是美德典范。Her book has the cardinal virtue of simplicity.她这本书的主要优点是简单明了。She is the very mirror of virtue.她是贞洁的典范。I urge you all to lead lives of virtue. 我劝你们大家都要过有德行的生活。There is, of course, no inherent virtue in moderation.当然,节制并不一定有用。Happiness is not always proportional to virtue.幸福未必总与美德相称。Humility is considered a virtue.谦虚被认为是一种美德。Her parents taught her the virtue of hard work. 父母教给了她勤奋的好处。He was considered the redeemer of the family's reputation/virtue.他被认为是家族声誉/德行的救赎者。Present power cuts more ice in diplomatic relations than past virtue.今日的权力较之昔日的美德更能在外交关系中奏效。They wanted to dress themselves in clothes of virtue.他们想把自己打扮得道貌岸然。It is a peremptory point of virtue that a man's independence be secured.保障个人的独立性无疑是件好事。When he lost his driver's license, he made a virtue out of necessity and got in shape by riding his bike to work.他的驾照丢了,只得骑自行车去上班,倒把身体锻炼好了。Can't you tell vice from virtue?难道你不能辨别善恶吗? She became a British resident by virtue of her marriage.她借助婚姻成了英国公民。Patience is a virtue.耐心是一种美德。Human societies, whatever their religious orientation, are based on the necessity of moral virtue.人类社会,不论其宗教倾向如何,都是建立在必要的伦理德性要求之上的。The article stuck in my mind by virtue of one detail.由于一个细节,这篇文章在我脑海里印象深刻。We don't expect candidates to be paragons of virtue.我们不指望候选人在道德上尽善尽美。The corrupt man dissembled virtue.那个堕落的人佯装有德。The movie makes a virtue out of its economy.这部电影充分利用了其有限的成本。The restaurant is inexpensive, and it has the added virtue of being close to our house.这家餐馆不贵,它还有个长处就是离我们家近。She has the right to participate by virtue of her status as a former employee.由于她的身份是前雇员,所以有权参加。She could have established her own innocence and virtue easily enough.她本可以轻易地证实自己纯真善良的品性。Its virtue resides in its clarity and brevity.它的优点在于清晰简洁。




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