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词汇 left over
例句 There was no money left over for luxuries or little extras.没有剩余的钱买奢侈品或额外的小玩意了。Was there any food left over from the party?聚会上有吃的东西剩下吗?The matter may be left over for the present.这问题可暂不解决。It seems impossible to settle these disputes left over by history.解决这些历史遗留下来的争端似乎是不可能的。There's no waste matter left over.没有任何浪费的东西剩下。Do we have any pizza left over from last night?昨晚的比萨饼有剩下的吗?German mustard-gas bombs left over from World War II第二次世界大战中留下的德国制芥子气毒气弹So much income is devoted to monthly mortgage payments that nothing is left over.很大一部分收入都用来还月供,根本剩不下什么钱。Most of the money would be spent on fixing the house with some left over for emergencies.除了留下一些备急用的钱外,大部分钱将用于装修房子。We ate the turkey that was left over from Thanksgiving Day dinner.我们吃了感恩节晚宴剩下的火鸡。These matters will have to be left over until our next meeting.这些事得推迟到下次会议上讨论。There was a little food left over from the party.派对上剩下了一点点食物。I overestimated and there was a lot of food left over after the party.我估计过头,结果聚会后剩了好多吃的。Much food has been left over after the meal.饭后剩下了很多食物。There are a few slices of cake left over from the party.聚会上剩了一些蛋糕。Toy bears left over from an ad campaign will be donated to the children's hospital.广告宣传活动后留下的玩具熊将捐赠给儿童医院。Sunscreen can lose its potency if left over winter in the bathroom cabinet.如果把防晒霜在浴室柜里放一个冬天,就有可能失效。He was out in his calculations, so there was a lot of carpet left over.他算错了,所以地毯还剩下很多。Sunscreen can lose its potency if left over winter in the bathroom cabinet.如果把防晒霜在盥洗室的壁橱里放一个冬天,就有可能失效。After we've paid the bills, there's never much left over.付完账单,我们就所剩无几了。They ate some bread rolls left over from the night before.他们吃了前一天晚上剩下的几个面包卷。I pay all the bills and save any money that is left over.我支付所有的账单,并把余下的钱存起来。There's a little bit left over.还剩了一点儿。The brown mush in the fridge is some veg soup left over.冰箱里的棕色糊状东西是一些剩的蔬菜汤。I'll freeze any food that's left over.我会把剩下的食物都冷冻起来。The brown mush in the fridge is some veg soup left over.冰箱里的棕色糊状物是剩下的蔬菜汤。If you divide 9 by 4, you have 1 left over.用4除9,就会余1。Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, where it will keep for 2-3 weeks.剩下的东西都可以放进冰箱,可以保持两到三个星期不坏。Primrose was given an apple, left over from our picnic lunch.我们中午野餐剩下的一个苹果给了普丽姆罗丝。We have many decorations left over from the party.聚会之后,我们留下了许多装饰品。




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