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词汇 violently
例句 A nearby volcano erupted violently, sending out a hail of molten rock and boiling mud.附近的一座火山猛烈爆发了,喷出大量熔岩和滚烫的泥流。He leaned sideways and was violently sick.他侧靠着身子,恶心得厉害。The boat was tossed about violently.那艘船在水中剧烈摇摆。He was violently scolded.他受到了严厉的指责。They reacted violently to the news.他们对这条新闻反应强烈。She became violently ill. 她吐得很厉害。She found him huddled in a corner, shaking violently.她发现他蜷缩在角落里,浑身剧烈颤抖。Her horse shied violently at a gorse bush.金雀花丛把她的马惊得猛然后退。Several people have been violently attacked in the subway.一些人在地铁里受到了暴力袭击。The tyrannical regime violently repressed any opposition.这个独裁政权用暴力镇压任何反抗。The boat pitched violently in a heavy swell.船在汹涌的海浪中剧烈颠簸。She must have shaken the baby very violently to inflict such severe injuries.她肯定是把宝宝晃动得很厉害才造成这么严重的伤害。He became so nervous that he shook violently.他变得非常紧张,以至于浑身剧烈发抖。They disagree violently with everything I say.他们强烈反对我说的一切。We were violently attacked.我们遭到了猛烈攻击。He sneezed violently in an eddy of chaff.他在旋转飞扬的糠屑中一个劲地打喷嚏。She became so nervous that she shook violently.她太紧张了,浑身抖得厉害。Her whole body tautened violently.她全身紧绷得厉害。He violently emptied the contents of his stomach.他一股脑把胃里的东西都吐了出来。Most reporters are either violently for or violently against the government, but some try to strike a balance.大部分记者对政府都是要么强烈反对,要么热烈支持,但也有一些记者试图走中间路线。The last time I ate oysters, I was violently sick. 我上次吃牡蛎,吐得很厉害。The boat pitched violently from side to side.船剧烈地左右摇晃。She was flung violently forward, to land face down in a heap of blankets.她迅猛地往前扑,脸朝下倒在一堆毯子上。Community leaders were quick to denounce the police for reacting too violently to the disturbances.社区领导人立刻谴责了警方对骚动反应过激。They have come into conflict, sometimes violently.他们产生了矛盾,有时矛盾还非常激烈。They often clash violently with rival gangs.他们经常和敌对帮派发生激烈冲突。His heart beat violently, and he stopped to re-collect himself.他的心怦怦剧跳,于是就停下定定心。He grabbed her by the lapels and shook her violently.他抓住她的领子,狠命摇晃。Their luncheon was violently interrupted by gunfire.他们的午餐被猛烈的炮火打断了。The new barriers are designed to give way if spectators surge forward too violently.这些新的障碍物被设计成当观众往前挤得厉害时能够被推倒。She shook her head violently.她使劲摇头。The woman had been pushed violently to the ground.那个女人已被粗暴地推倒在地。They disagreed violently, and no one knew how the situation would play out.他们的分歧十分严重,没有人知道事态会如何发展。He claimed to have been violently assaulted while in detention.他宣称在拘留期间曾遭到暴力殴打。The explosion pitched her violently into the air.爆炸将她猛烈地抛向空中。The boat rocked violently in the huge waves.小船在大浪中猛烈地摇晃。He was violently attacked by a gang of youths.他遭到一帮青少年的暴力袭击。Some opposition activists have been violently attacked.一些反对派的积极分子受到了暴力袭击。Do you agree with the argument that violence on TV makes people behave violently?电视上的暴力场面使人们行为变得狂暴,这一论点你同意吗?She was shaking violently, terrified and incoherent.她的身体剧烈地发抖,惊慌失措,语无伦次。




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