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词汇 世界大战
例句 Berlin was well known for its good living in between the two world wars.在两次世界大战之间,柏林生活的优裕是众所周知的。Germany between the two world wars两次世界大战间歇期中的德国On this day we remember the dead of two world wars.在这一天,我们来纪念两次世界大战的死难者。There is possibly less chance of another world war while the last one is within living memory.当人们对上一次世界大战还记忆犹新的时候,爆发新的世界大战的可能性会很小。The initial conflict was a mere sideshow compared with the World War that followed.最初的冲突同随后发生的世界大战相比,只是次要事件。She survived through two world wars.她经历了两次世界大战而幸存。She had lived through two world wars.她经历了两次世界大战These are people who have lived through two world wars.这些人经历了两次世界大战She has lived through two world wars.她经历过两次世界大战Within a few years of the two World Wars, the standard of living of Western European countries was higher than ever before.两次世界大战后的几年里,西欧国家的生活水平达到了前所未有的程度。I sometimes think Dave could sleep through a world war.我有时候觉得,戴夫睡觉时世界大战都吵不醒他。He focused his research on the economics of the interwar era.他主要研究两次世界大战之间那些岁月的经济问题。The annual parade commemorates the soldiers who died in the two World Wars.一年一度的游行纪念两次世界大战的阵亡将士。Both world wars were of unquestionable importance as economic events.两次世界大战都是重要性无可置疑的经济事件。There is a risk of world war.有爆发世界大战的危险。The economy slumped between the two World Wars.两次世界大战之间经济严重下滑。During her lifetime she had witnessed two world wars.她一生亲历了两次世界大战He has lived through two world wars.他经历过两次世界大战Many entries relate to the two world wars.很多条目与两次世界大战有关。Many senior citizens have been through two world wars.很多年长的公民都经历了两次世界大战She lived through two world wars.她经历过两次世界大战He fought in both World Wars.两次世界大战他都参加了。The nations were prepared for world war.这些国家为世界大战做好了准备。The assimilation of ethnic Germans in the US was accelerated by the two world wars.两次世界大战加速了美国对德国移民的民族同化。Over the last few years, there have been some alarmist predictions that the World War III will happen very soon.在最近几年,有些危言耸听的预测说第三次世界大战就要发生。




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