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词汇 nominated
例句 He was nominated to the Supreme Court.他被派到最高法院任职。I've been nominated for a Senior Lectureship.我已经被推荐担任高级讲师。I was nominated as chairman.我被提名为主席。He was nominated as chair of the board of governors.他被提名为董事会主席。He was nominated for an Academy Award for his role in the film.他因在这部电影中的角色而被提名奥斯卡奖。Mills is expected to be formally nominated to the board next month.米尔斯有望下月被正式提名进入董事会。She was nominated by the chairman.她受主席的委任。To be nominated for union president you need one person to propose you and another to second you.要被提名为工会主席,你需要有一个推荐人和一个附议人。They nominated her as the British spokesperson at the International Arms Conference.他们提名她为国际军备大会上代表英国的发言人。Ferraro was the first woman to be nominated for the job of vice president.费拉罗是第一位获得副总统职位提名的女性。She was nominated for a special award.她获得这项特殊奖的提名。He was nominated for an Oscar.他获得了奥斯卡提名。Supporters felt he might bolt to a third party if his opponent was nominated.他的支持者们感到,如果他的对手获得提名,他可能会脱党并加入某第三方政党。She has been nominated as Best Actress for her part in the film 'Forever Together'.她因在电影《相遇》中扮演的角色而获最佳女演员提名。She was nominated for prom queen in high school.她上高中时曾被提名为舞会皇后。He's been nominated by the Green Party as their candidate in the next election.他被绿党提名为下届选举的候选人。She was nominated as director.她被任命为主任。She has been nominated to replace Justice O'Connor on the Supreme Court.她被提名取代最高法院大法官奥康纳。If an animated film was nominated as best picture, it would be a first.如果动画影片被提名为最佳影片,那将是第一次。I've been trying to get a line on the guy they've nominated with no luck.我一直想了解那个他们称之为倒霉蛋的家伙的情况。Reverend Peters was nominated for the honour by colleagues at Walworth Methodist Church.彼得斯牧师获沃尔沃思循道宗教会同仁提名角逐这一称号。He has now been formally nominated as presidential candidate.他现已被正式提名为总统候选人。Whoever is nominated today will go forward to the leadership elections.今天被提名的人都将参加领导人竞选。He was nominated by the African National Congress as one of its team at the Groote Sehuur talks.非洲人国民大会指派他为参加格鲁特舒尔会谈的代表团成员之一。He is to be nominated for the presidency.他将被提名为总统候选人。He has been nominated to the committee.他被任命为委员会委员。The President nominated her for Attorney General.总统提名她为司法部长候选人。Lee was the first Chinese American nominated to head the Civil Rights Division.李是第一位被提名领导人权事务部的美国华裔。Practically every movie he made was nominated for an Oscar.他执导的影片几乎每部都获得过奥斯卡奖提名。He was nominated for prom king in high school.他在高中时曾被提名为舞会之王。By now it was clear that Bush was going to be nominated for President.这个时候已经清楚布什将被提名为总统候选人。The Ohio delegation nominated a native son.俄亥俄州代表团提名一个出生于本州的人为候选人。She was nominated as Best Actress three times in her career.在她的职业生涯中,她三次获得最佳女演员的提名。Since I wouldn't be available to vote, I nominated him to act as my proxy.由于我无法到场投票,我指定他作为我的代理人。She was nominated to the legislative council.她被任命为立法委员会委员。She was nominated for a second term.她被提名连任。The President nominated him Ambassador to Russia.总统提名他担任驻俄国大使。Next year Mr Jenks will retire and Mr Broadbent will be nominated as his replacement.明年詹克斯先生退休,布罗德本特先生将获任命接替他的职位。We nominated her for player of the year.我们提名她为年度最佳运动员。President Yeltsin nominated acting prime minister Sergei Kiriyenko to head the government.叶利钦总统任命代总理谢尔盖‧基里延科领导政府。




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