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The masseur kneaded my back.按摩师替我推拿背。He kneaded the muscles in my neck.他给我按摩脖子。Distractedly I reached around and kneaded my spine.我心烦意乱地把手绕到背后揉捏脊背。She gently kneaded the muscles in his back.她轻轻地给他按摩后背。The clay should be kneaded thoroughly to remove any bubbles of air.黏土应该彻底揉捏,以去除气泡。In a bakery, the bread is rarely kneaded by hand but by large mechanical mixers.在面包房里,揉面这工作很少用手来做,而是由大型机械搅拌器来完成的。She kneaded the dough and shaped it into loaves.她把生面团揉捏成长条状。 |