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词汇 vigour
例句 The energy level within an organ is determined by the vigour and regularity of its pulsations.器官的能级是由其搏动的力量和规律所决定的。After a brief rest, she returned to the job with renewed vigour.稍作休息之后她又精力充沛地回到工作上来。He set to his task with renewed vim and vigour.他再度抖擞精神投入自己的工作。His health and vigour were unimpaired by a stroke.他的健康和精力在经历了一次中风后没有受到影响。His body lacks the bounce and vigour of a normal two-year-old.他缺乏一个正常两岁儿童应具备的弹跳力与活力。He blew his nose with great vigour.他使劲擤了擤鼻子。But where a less determined man might have admitted defeat, Wallace fought back with renewed vigour.意志不够坚定的人可能已经承认失败,但是华莱士却重新振作进行反击。A brief rest restored the traveller's vigour.旅客短暂休息后体力恢复了。She attacked both parties with equal vigour.她对两个政党予以同等的抨击。He bounded up the wide steps with vigour.他精神十足地跃上一级级宽阔的台阶。Roger attacked the problem with vigour.罗杰干劲十足地着手解决这个问题。The government gave assurances that the investigation would be pursued with vigour.政府保证会下大力气进行调查。She was a wonderful, bubbly girl, full of vigour.她是个了不起的女孩,乐天活泼,活力四射。Holidays make it possible for you to return to your normal routine with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.度假可以让你有新的活力和热情回到正常的日常工作中去。She has the vigour and radiance of someone young enough to be her granddaughter.她拥有与孙女辈的年轻人一样的活力和容光。In real-life, the band have memorable songs and a stage vigour that enthrals.在现实生活中,这支乐队的一些歌曲令人难忘,他们的舞台魅力令人着迷。I was impressed by the idealism and intellectual vigour of the quartet.我被这个四重奏组合的理想主义精神和思想活力打动了。He returned to work with a sense of renewed vigour.他回来后又精神饱满地投入工作。A succinct style lends vigour to writing.措辞简练则文笔有力。His new job was certainly a challenge, but Edward tackled it with vigour and imagination.他的新工作无疑是一个挑战,但是爱德华精力充沛,想象力丰富,就这么对付了过去。




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