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词汇 vibrate
例句 The atmosphere seemed to vibrate with tension.气氛似乎紧张得发颤。Some insects’ wings vibrate so fast that the movement is invisible to the human eye.有些昆虫翼翅振动得非常快,人眼是看不见的。The whole station seemed to vibrate as the express train rushed through.快速列车急驰而过时,整个车站似乎都在震动。The hammers strike the piano strings and vibrate them.音锤敲击钢琴的弦并使之震动。It's important to tighten up the wheels properly, otherwise they vibrate loose and fall off.把轮子拧紧是很重要的,否则它们会因振动松动、脱落。Strings vibrate when a chord is struck.弹和弦时琴弦就会颤动。It is a voluptuous fragrance which makes all your senses vibrate.它是一种能引起感官快感的香水,能使你所有的感官兴奋起来。The car started to vibrate.汽车开始震动。The wings vibrate during flight.翅膀在飞行中振动着。The ear has a set of filaments to vibrate in resonance with incoming sound-waves.耳朵里有一组细丝能和进入的声波产生共振。As air passes over our vocal cords, it makes them vibrate.气流通过我们的声带,使之产生振动。The foundation of the city began to rumble and vibrate.全城的地底都隆隆作响,震动起来。His heavy footsteps upstairs made the old house vibrate.楼上他那沉重的脚步把这幢旧屋子都震动了。




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