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词汇 耍花招
例句 It was clear that they must have obtained the information by subterfuge.很明显他们一定是靠耍花招弄到了那些资料。Stop playing games, Luke, and tell me what you want.耍花招了,卢克,告诉我你想要什么。He praises my cooking but it's just a cynical ploy to get me to make him dinner.他夸我烧一手好菜只不过是在耍花招,哄我给他做饭。The policeman warned him not to make any false moves.警察警告他不要耍花招They hooked him into paying for everybody's lunch.他们耍花招,让他为大家付午餐钱。All right, let's stop playing games. Hand over the goods right now.唉,别耍花招了。马上将货物交过来。Don't try and double-cross me, Taylor, because I'll kill you.别跟我耍花招,泰勒,要不我会杀了你。He's not really ill - he's just trying it on.他并不是真的病了——他只是在耍花招The party has predictably rejected the proposals as a subterfuge.不出所料,该党以这些提议是在耍花招为由而加以拒绝。She is probably trying it on to see how far she can go with you.她或许是在耍花招,来看看她和你能发展到什么程度。The graduating seniors always pull a lot of stunts at school.应届毕业生总是爱在学校大耍花招He's managed to get as far as he has through slick talking and trickery.靠着花言巧语和耍花招,他终于把想要的弄到了手。Privatization and gimmickry are not the answer to improving Britain's rail service.靠私有化和耍花招不能改进英国的铁路交通。The guard told his prisoner not to try anything funny.警卫让犯人别耍花招It's no use trying on your tricks with us.你对我们耍花招是没有用的。Don't let him wriggle out of paying you for your work.别让他耍花招,不付给你报酬。




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