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词汇 上午
例句 During the morning your guide will take you around the city.上午导游会带你到城里四处看看。The party had been to the grouse moors that morning.这群人那天上午去了松鸡猎场。There will be occasional showers during the morning.上午偶尔会有阵雨。She's very bad-tempered in the mornings!上午的时候容易发脾气!The morning passed in alternation between packing and monitoring the radio reports.时而打点行装,时而监听无线电报导,上午就这样过去了。Later that morning Julie buzzed me.那天上午晚些时候朱丽给我打来了电话。He went sculling early that morning.那天上午他很早就去划艇了。I telephoned your office last Monday morning, and sent my letter of even date that afternoon.我星期一那天上午打电话到你办公室,当天下午又发出信。My pen was here this morning but it seems to have gone walkabout.我的钢笔上午还在这儿,但现在好像不见了。Briefly, she ran through details of the morning's events.她简单地介绍了一下上午活动的详情。I was supposed to be giving a presentation that morning to some colleagues from the Japanese division.那天上午我本该给日本分部的同事作报告的。Evenings are difficult – how about the morning?晚上不太方便,上午怎么样?Our ship is to touch at Hongkong tomorrow morning.我们的船将于明天上午停靠香港。At our school we have four periods in the morning and three in the afternoon.我们学校上午上四节课,下午上三节课。On Monday mornings there was French, English, and then a double period of maths.星期一上午有法语课、英语课,然后是连着的两节数学课。The doctor was doing her morning ward round.医生在进行上午的查房。Spend the morning at leisure beside the hotel pool.在酒店游泳池旁悠闲地打发上午的时光。It was printed in the morning and perfected later.这张纸上午打印过,后来背面也打印了内容。I spent most of the morning lying in bed.那天上午我大部分时间都躺在床上。For the rest of the morning he searched aimlessly through the town.上午余下的时间里,他在镇上漫无目标地四处搜寻。He spent the mornings on the beach getting a suntan.他天天上午待在沙滩上,想晒出一身黑皮肤。We got the news on the morning of the wedding.我们是婚礼那天上午得到消息的。Don't forget to keep your Monday morning date with the dentist.别忘记你同牙医约好了星期一上午要去就诊。I worked in the yard for part of the morning.上午我花了一点儿时间在院子里干活。The morning was well along when we arrived. 我们到达时上午都快过去了。They did most of the heavy work in the morning.他们大部分重体力活儿是在上午干的。The gardener was moaning that he had another garden to do later that morning.园丁在抱怨说他上午晚些时候还得打理另外一个花园。Leave the washing-up till morning.把餐具留到上午再洗吧。The eye of the storm should reach the coast by morning.这场风暴的风眼应该会在上午之前登陆。The gardener was moaning that he had another garden to do later that morning.园丁当时抱怨说,上午晚些时候他还要到另一个花园干活。I have a written exam in the morning and an interview in the afternoon.上午参加笔试,下午面试。I expect the whole procedure to take the better part of a morning.我预计整个过程将占用大半个上午She follows the same, unvarying routine every morning.她每天上午都照例做同样的事。James goes to playgroup two mornings a week.詹姆斯每周有两个上午去参加幼儿游戏组。We do all our deliveries in the mornings.我们所有的递送都在上午进行。I'll do morning surgery, if you like.如果你愿意,我上午接诊吧。Morning or afternoon. It makes no difference to me.对我来说上午或下午都没关系。The Anthenians would sit through three tragedies and a satyr play in one morning.雅典人常在一个上午坐着看完悲剧三部曲和一出羊人剧。Keppler kept all his men in suspense until that morning before announcing which two would be going.开普勒让所有的下属都焦急地等待着,直到那天上午才宣布哪两个人去。I spent half the morning on the phone, which wasn't really my intent.我半个上午都花在了打电话上,这可不是我真正想做的。




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