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词汇 vested
例句 The mass media have been vested with significant power as social and political agents in modern developed societies.在现代发达社会中,作为社会和政治媒介,大众传媒被赋予了很大的权力。She has a vested interest in seeing the business sold, as she'll make a profit from the sale.她希望看到企业被出售,因为她将从中获利。A compromise has to be reached between all the powerful vested interests before any restoration work in the city can take place.势力强大的各既得利益集团间必须先达成妥协,城市整修工作才有可能开始。My mission was vested with a certain amount of secrecy.我的使命带有一定的保密性。Protectionism often simply supports narrow vested interests.保护主义支持的常常就是狭隘的既得利益。This power vested in the Church.这一权力属于教会。He must perform all the duties that are vested in him.他必须履行赋予他的一切职责。There's an extraordinary amount of power vested in us.我们被授予了巨大的权力。They are vested with the authority to police the park.他们被授权维持公园的治安。Parliament voted to strip him of the powers vested in him.议会投票决定剥夺赋予他的权力。The management of the foundation is vested in a board of trustees.基金会的管理交由理事会负责。Both the newspaper and the advertising agency have a vested interest in encouraging advertising.报纸和广告公司在鼓励广告宣传方面都有着既得利益。The estate vested in the wife of the deceased.这财产属于死者的妻子。Only those with vested interests in the current system could ignore the need for change.只有那些在当前的体制中有既得利益的人才会忽略改革的必要性。The government's efforts at reform have run up against determined opposition from vested interests.政府的改革举措遭到了既得利益集团的坚决反对。He only took the job to get vested in the pension fund.他干那份工作只是想有权享受养老金。Proposed controls on carbon emissions were opposed by powerful vested interests in the oil business.拟议中的碳排放控制措施遭到石油业中强大的既得利益集团的反对。The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.行政权必须给予美国总统。Congress is vested with the power to declare war. = The power to declare war is vested in Congress.国会被赋予宣战的权力。The management of the hospital is vested in a board of trustees.医院的管理交由理事会负责。The administration has no vested interest in proving whether public schools were good or bad.在证明公立学校好坏方面,行政部门不存在既得利益。All authority was vested in the woman, who discharged every kind of public duty.女性被赋予了所有权力,履行所有公共职责。The proposal faces tough opposition from powerful vested interests.那项建议面临强大的既得利益集团的强烈反对。Cabinet Ministers are selfishly pursuing their own vested interests.内阁大臣们正在自私地追逐他们自己的既得利益。All authority was vested in her.她得到了全部授权。After five years, you'll be fully vested in the company pension plan. 五年之后,你就有权享受公司的养老金计划。The committee should be independent of all vested interest.该委员会应独立于一切既得利益之外。




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