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Instead he went to varsity with the ambition of taking a science degree.他却去上了大学,一心想获得理学士学位。He is on the varsity in tennis.他是大学网球队队员。Their son is on the high school's varsity baseball/football team.他们的儿子是高中棒球队/橄榄球队队员。Shaun McCalister also played for the varsity basketball team.肖恩·麦卡利斯特也为校篮球队效过力。He wore his varsity numerals with pride.他自豪地佩带着他的大学校队荣誉年号。The school has not given them the same opportunities to participate in varsity sports that men receive.学校没有给她们与男生同样多的参加大学体育活动的机会。He was a member of the varsity baseball team.他是学校棒球队的队员。 |