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词汇 骨头
例句 The bone wedged in his throat and strangled him.骨头鲠住了他的喉咙,使他透不过气儿来。The dog was grubbing about under the bush, looking for a bone.那狗在灌木丛中翻找骨头Beef brisket is boneless, especially delicious when smoked.牛胸肉没有骨头,烟熏烹饪特别好吃。Manchester United will be a tough nut to crack.曼联队是块难啃的骨头The survival of the proteins depends on the way in which bones are fossilised.蛋白质是否存留取决于骨头被石化的方式。You can add bones, the odd vegetable, herbs, and chopped onions.你可以加几块骨头、零星蔬菜、香草和切块的洋葱。The bones were ashed in a furnace.骨头在炉中被烧成灰烬。Digging in the garden, she came across some pieces of bone.她在花园中掘土时无意间发现了几块骨头The chicken breast is boneless.这块鸡胸肉没有骨头The dog raked up a buried bone from the rose bed.狗在玫瑰花坛的土下扒出一根骨头He broke one of the bones in his hand.他手上一根骨头断了。The pin holds the bones in place while they knit together.钢钉把骨头固定住使其愈合。He suffered serious skeletal injuries in the accident.他在事故中骨头严重受伤。Traditional surgical approaches to spinal pain involve open dissection of soft tissue and bone.针对脊柱疼痛的传统外科手术法是要切开软组织和骨头The dog was worrying at its bone.狗在反复撕咬着骨头Can you put the bone into the joint again, doctor?大夫,你能使骨头复位吗? The dog buried her bone.那只狗把骨头埋到土里藏了起来。You're always nitpicking - it's so annoying!你总是鸡蛋里面挑骨头——真烦人!There's not much meat on that bone.那块骨头上没多少肉。He's broken several bones in his left foot.他左脚断了几根骨头Protecting the edge of the bone is a layer of soft, spongy tissue.保护骨头边沿的是一层海绵状的软组织。Doctors had to use a metal rod to join the two pieces of bone together.医生得用一根金属棒把两块骨头接起来。The dog's grapple held the bone fast between his teeth.狗紧紧咬住骨头There's still a lot of meat left on the bone - shall I slice some off for you?骨头上还有许多肉——要我替你切一些下来吗?Her sallow skin was drawn tightly across the bones of her face.她那蜡黄的皮肤紧紧地包着脸上的骨头Native Americans contrived weapons out of stone, wood, and bone.美洲土著居民把石头、木头和骨头巧妙地制作成武器。The dog trotted off to bury its bone.那只狗颠儿颠儿地跑到一边去埋它的骨头The bullet shattered a bone in her left forearm.子弹将她左前臂的一根骨头打碎了。No doctor has ever healed a broken bone: he or she sets them.从来没有哪个医生能治愈骨折,他们只是让骨头复位。The birds picked the bones clean. = The bones were picked clean by the birds.鸟儿把骨头啄得干干净净。You can knit bones and flesh easily enough, but not even the gods can manufacture blood out of thin air.你可以很容易地将骨头和皮肉缝合起来,但即使是神仙也难以凭空制造出血液来。The bones in her wrist were completely shot.她的腕部骨头全碎了。He was reduced to a skeleton.他瘦得只剩一把骨头了。The foxes come and scavenge the bones.狐狸过来寻觅骨头Anyway, I'm not overweight - my bones are just heavier than most people's - that's my story and I'm sticking to it!不管怎么说,我都没有超重——只是我的骨头比大多数人的重一点——这是我一直坚持的说法。He tantalized the puppy with a bone.他拿一根骨头逗引那小狗。There was nothing there except for a pile of sun-bleached bones.那里空无一物,只有一堆被太阳晒得惨白的骨头The bones can be removed mechanically before the birds are packaged for sale.将禽鸟包装出售前可用机械将骨头剔除。Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me!棍棒和石头可以打断我的骨头,但各种诬蔑性的绰号却对我毫无伤害!Scientists now believe that the bones belong to a different species of reptile.目前科学家们认为这些骨头属于另一类爬行动物。




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