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They're brutal people behind their civilized veneer.他们表面上彬彬有礼,骨子里却是野蛮残忍。He doesn't have a selfish/jealous bone in his body. 他骨子里就没有自私/忌妒的品质。He acts tough, but that's just a cover. He's a real softy underneath.他作风强硬,但那只是假象。骨子里他是个心肠软的人。They may have a veneer of culture, but in essence they are barbarians.他们有文明的虚饰,但骨子里他们是野蛮人。He's young, very headstrong, but he's a good man underneath.他年青、任性,但骨子里是个好人。He is a bred-in-the-bone conservative.他骨子里就是一个保守分子。Writing has helped her learn more about her heritage.写作帮助她更深入地了解了她骨子里所继承的东西。I'm really a romantic at heart.我骨子里很浪漫。 |