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Valerie failed, but that was no more than we'd expected.瓦莱瑞失败了,但这正是我们所预料的。Valerie's eyes are a beautiful shade of blue.瓦莱丽的双眼是好看的蓝色。When Valerie worked late, Carl always walked her home.当瓦莱丽工作到很晚时,卡尔总是步行送她回家。I picked out Valerie's voice from among the general conversation.我从众多人的说话声中听出了瓦莱丽的声音。Valerie hit the bull's eye when she said that.瓦莱丽那样说一语中的。Valerie earned letters in three sports: volleyball, basketball, and field hockey.瓦莱丽入选了三支校队:排球、篮球和曲棍球队。Valerie put on a posh accent and asked to see the manager immediately.瓦莱丽装出上流社会口音,要求立即见经理。Sean was a little impatient at the time Valerie devoted to her mother.肖恩有点儿忍受不了瓦莱丽花太多时间在她母亲身上。 |