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词汇 vaccine
例句 The vaccine protects against Hepatitis B, a highly infectious virus.这种疫苗预防传染性很强的乙型肝炎病毒。There is still no vaccine to immunize people against the virus.现在还没有针对这种病毒的疫苗。They knew that a vaccine for the virus was theoretically possible.他们知道找到该病毒的疫苗在理论上是有可能的。The latest test results clearly demonstrate that the vaccine works.最新实验结果明确显示,这种疫苗有效。The polio vaccine has saved millions of lives.脊髓灰质炎疫苗挽救了数以百万计的生命。Fisher speaks optimistically about the possibility of a vaccine.费希尔乐观地谈起了成功研制疫苗的可能性。The vaccine represents a quantum leap in healthcare.这种疫苗的问世是医疗保健领域的重大突破。They hope that a vaccine will be available soon.他们盼望不久会有疫苗可用。At present, no widely approved vaccine exists for malaria.目前,还没有被广泛认可的疟疾疫苗。Our results show that an effective vaccine is feasible.我们的研究结果表明有效疫苗接种是可行的。The vaccine only confers immunity for a few months.这种疫苗只能提供几个月的免疫力。Doctors in Colorado, like doctors everywhere else, did not have enough of the vaccine.科罗拉多的医生,一如其他各地的医生,也没有足够的疫苗。McCarthy was asked to analyse the data from the first phase of trials of the vaccine.麦卡锡被要求对第一阶段疫苗试验的数据作出分析。The shortage has led to price increases and the large-scale theft of vaccine supplies.疫苗供应短缺导致价格上涨和大规模盗窃。The vaccine is effective against the most common strain of the disease.疫苗可以有效防范这种最常见的疾病。They immunized some mice with a dose of the live vaccine.他们给一些老鼠注射了一针减毒活疫苗进行免疫。The vaccine is being tested at several medical centers around the country.全国多家医疗中心正在对这种疫苗进行试验。She was the first human guinea pig for the vaccine.她是这个疫苗的第一个人体实验者。It's still not too late to get a flu vaccine.现在接种流感疫苗还不迟。These experiments may pave the way for a vaccine against some forms of cancer.这些实验也许会为培养出一种能预防某些癌症的疫苗铺平道路。The vaccine was given to the patient orally.那种疫苗是让病人口服的。The vaccine prevents reappearance of the disease.疫苗能防止这种疾病卷土重来。The vaccine has not been tested on humans yet.这种疫苗还没做过人体试验。Researchers are trying to develop a vaccine against the disease.研究人员正在努力研制预防这种疾病的疫苗。Human trials of the vaccine could begin within two years.疫苗的人体试验可能在两年内开始。The vaccine is available for those who are most at risk from the flu epidemic.为那些最易患上流行性感冒的人提供了疫苗。The vaccine had been produced by an unconventional technique.该疫苗是用非传统工艺生产的。Smallpox has been brought under control by the use of vaccine.透过种牛痘天花已得到控制。This vaccine protects against some kinds of the bacteria.这种疫苗能抵抗这些细菌中的某几种。The company has agreed to sell the vaccine at cost price. 公司同意按成本价销售疫苗。The vaccine was given a clean bill of health.这种疫苗被认为合格。Researchers are collaborating to develop the vaccine.研究人员在合作研发疫苗。The patients were injected with the vaccine.病人们接种了这种疫苗。Doctors worried that there would not be enough vaccine for everyone who needed it.医生担心没有足够的疫苗给每个需要的人。When he tested an early vaccine on himself, some described the act as foolhardy.他在自己身上试验一种初期疫苗时,有人说他蛮干。The clinic now maintains an adequate supply of vaccine so that it won't be caught with its pants down if there is a flu outbreak two years in a row.诊所现在保证了充足的疫苗供应,即便连续两年爆发流感也不会措手不及。The latest tests are a clear demonstration that the vaccine works.最新实验结果明确显示,这种疫苗有效。Looking to the future, though, we asked him what the prospects are for a vaccine to prevent infection in the first place.不过,展望未来,我们问到他研制出防止感染的疫苗究竟有多大的可能性。The vaccine will not give you swine flu.这种疫苗不会让你染上猪流感的。The vaccine protects babies and children against tuberculosis.这种疫苗能防止婴幼儿染上肺结核。




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