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例句 Use a piece of gauze to cleanse the cut.用一块纱布清洗伤口。Use a high gloss paint.使用高光泽度的漆。Use a cheap cut such as spare rib chops.用一块便宜点的肉,比如肋排肉。Use a small paintbrush for the detail work. 用小号画笔处理细部。Use proper language in the company of ladies.和女士们在一起时说话要检点。Use the coupon below to reserve advance tickets for the exhibition.凭下面的优惠券预订展览的预售票。Use conditioner to make dry hair softer and more manageable.使用护发剂使头发更柔软更容易梳理。Use the enclosed envelope to return your completed survey.请用随信附上的信封将填好的调查表寄回。Use half a lemon dipped in salt and vinegar.用半个柠檬蘸上盐和醋。Use a hammer to chip away the edge.用锤子把边角敲掉。Use a knife to make indentations in the icing.用刀在酥皮上弄些缺口。Use a spoon to mix the dry ingredients.用勺子把干料混合在一起。Use a steering-wheel lock for your car.给你的汽车上一把方向盘防盗锁吧。Use a small aperture and position the camera carefully.用小光圈,仔细调整相机位置。Use your fingertips to gently flatten the pastry.用指尖轻轻地把面团弄平。Use equal quantities of flour and butter.用相等份量的面粉和黄油。Stop sniffing! Use your handkerchief.别再哧哧地抽鼻子了!用手帕揩吧。Use sunscreen to prevent sunburn.使用防晒霜避免晒伤。Use this column to mark down how much each item costs.用这一栏记下每一项的费用。Use low lighting to give the room a romantic atmosphere.使用暗淡的灯光,给房间营造出一种浪漫的氛围。Use recorded delivery for large cheques or money orders.对于大额的支票和汇款单要使用挂号邮寄。Use the best tools and materials you can afford to give a professional finish to your DIY work.自己动手做东西,要尽量用最好的工具和材料,让成品显得有专业水平。Use your deadlines to establish the timeline for your research plan.依据最后期限来确定研究计划的时间表。Use a lot of conditioner, applying more to the ends and none to the roots or scalp.护发素用量要多,多涂发梢,不涂发根和头皮。Use Scottish smoked haddock if you can.如果可以的话就用苏格兰熏黑线鳕。Use your corkscrew carefully so that it doesn't disembowel the cork.使用瓶塞钻时要当心,别把瓶塞钻碎了。Use a damp flannel to clean the skin.用湿毛巾清洁皮肤。Use a crepe bandage to support the affected area.用强力绷带托住伤处。Use a cotton swab to clean your ears.用一支棉花棒清理你的耳朵。Use plenty of insect spray/repellent to keep the mosquitoes from biting you.使用大量杀虫剂/驱虫剂以免被蚊子叮咬。Use your own discretion.你自己看着办吧。Use a bulb with low wattage.使用低瓦数的灯泡。Use your peripheral vision widely when moving from place to place.四处走动时,用眼睛的余光大范围扫视四周。Use a personal mission statement to chart your career course.用人生目标宣言来规划你的事业。Use it to soothe burnt skin.用它来减轻烧伤皮肤之痛。Use hot water and detergent to wash down kitchen worktops.用热水和洗洁精彻底冲洗厨房操作台。Use plain water to flush out the debris.用清水冲掉碎片。Use blonde highlights to brighten your hair.用金色挑染让你的发色明亮起来。Use some of the parsley as a garnish.用些香芹作为装饰菜。Use plenty of washing powder otherwise mud and grass stains won't come out.多用些洗衣粉,不然的话泥垢和草渍就洗不掉。




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