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词汇 upward
例句 Inflation is likely to accelerate this year, adding further upward pressure on interest rates.今年通货膨胀可能会加剧,迫使利率持续走高。Arms bend. Arms upward. Wait for it. Stretch.手臂弯曲。手臂上举。保持一下。伸展。Smoke spiralled upward from the chimney.烟从烟囱里袅袅上升。Fill in gaps by using short, upward strokes of the pencil.用铅笔向上短短地勾画几道来填充空白。She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes.她抬眼迅速瞥了他一下,然后眼睛又垂了下去。Oil prices continued an upward swing.油价继续上扬。As the island subsided, the reef grew upward and outward.小岛下沉,暗礁开始向上方和四周延伸。This puts upward pressure on prices.这迫使价格上涨。The supply of beef shrinks and the prices are prodded upward.牛肉的供应减少,价格随之上涨。She clasped her hands, and glancing upward, seemed to implore divine assistance.她双手紧握,眼睛看着上方,似乎在祈求上天的帮助。She smiled with an upward tilt of her head.她甩了一下头,笑了起来。We revised our projections of funding requirements upwards / upward.我们调高了对资金需求的预测。The cliffs soared upward.峭壁高耸入云。Alan grabbed hold of the ledge and began to climb upward.艾伦抓住岩架开始往上爬。Unemployment will continue upward for much of this year.今年的大部分时间失业率仍将上升。Vines spiraled upward toward the roof.藤蔓盘旋着朝屋顶方向生长。She started on the steep upward climb.她开始沿着陡峭的山路往上爬。The temperature is heading upward. 温度变得越来越高。As you read the flipback, you move the pages upward rather than turning them to the left.阅读上下翻便携书时,你往上翻动书页而不是往左翻。The airline industry's troubles are a mere hiccup in an otherwise upward growth trend.航空业的困难只是个小问题,在其他方面它呈增长趋势。Prices shot upward.价格急速上涨。All eyes were turned upward toward the man standing on the ledge.所有的目光都朝上转向站在窗台上的那名男子。Interest rates generally have been declining since last spring, despite a few upward blips in recent weeks.去年春季以来利率总体上是下降的,尽管近几周出现过短暂的上升。The upward trend is consistent with that in most other parts of London.这个上升趋势与伦敦其他大部分地方的趋势一致。With an upward trend in inflation, you expect prices to rise.通货膨胀有上升趋势,预计物价还会上涨。Prices and wages are fellow-travellers on the same upward escalator.物价和工资总是联袂逐步上涨的。We know all about her from her childhood upward.我们了解她的全部情况,从童年起一直到现在。Prices resumed their upward course.价格恢复了上行势头。The hawk spiraled upward.鹰盘旋着飞向高空。Prices have taken a quantum leap upward.物价大幅攀升。Gasoline prices have been edging upward.汽油价格一直在逐渐上涨。Attendance figures have been heading upward.出席人数一直在增加。Children of twelve years and upward must pay full fare.十二岁以上的儿童必须付全费。In the dream my feet leave the ground and I start to float upwards / upward.在梦里,我双脚离开地面,人开始往上飘。She started once again on the steep upward climb.她又开始沿着陡峭的山路往上爬。They climbed upward along the steep cliffs surrounding the village.他们沿着村庄周围的陡峭悬崖往上爬。They tried to burrow a narrow path upward.他们试图朝上挖一条通道。Staff shortages have put an upward pressure on wages.员工短缺造成了涨薪的压力。A few snowflakes fell toward the ground, then blew upward with the next gust of wind.几片雪花飘落在地上,接着一阵风又将它们吹了起来。She massaged my back with a light upward movement.她轻轻地向上推,给我的背部做按摩。




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