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词汇 西红柿
例句 Tomato plants must be watered regularly.西红柿植株必须定期浇水。All the tomato plants are infected with a virus.所有的西红柿植株都染上了一种病毒。Quickly dip the tomatoes in boiling water.在沸水中把西红柿快速地蘸一下。Local specialities include a delicious concoction of spiced meat or fish, rice, and tomato.本地特色菜中包括一道由五香肉或鱼肉、大米以及西红柿调配的美味菜肴。Children often dislike tomatoes.孩子们一般说来不喜欢西红柿She staked the tomatoes to keep them from falling over.她用木桩撑住西红柿植株以免其倒下。Leonard pottered round the greenhouse, tying up canes for the tomatoes.伦纳德在温室里悠然自得地给西红柿绑上撑杆。A sharp knife will cut through the skin of a tomato cleanly.快刀一下子就能切开西红柿She sliced the bread/tomato/pie.她把面包/西红柿/馅饼切块。These tomatoes have gone all soft.这些西红柿已经软得不行了。Which varieties of tomato grow well here?哪些品种的西红柿在这里长得好?She cooked us a delicious French dish with pork and tomatoes.她用猪肉和西红柿给我们做了一道美味可口的法国菜。Tomatoes are very reasonable at this time of year.每年这个季节西红柿的价格很划算。The tomatoes got squashed.西红柿被压扁了。These tomato stains won't come off.这些西红柿渍无法清除掉。I made a basic tomato soup and then added fresh herbs to gussy it up.我做了一个西红柿汤底,然后用新鲜的香草点缀了一下。To make the appetizer, you should use alternating layers of tomatoes and cheese.做这道开胃菜,你应该把西红柿和干酪分层交替摆放。Roughly chop the tomatoes and add them to the casserole.西红柿大致切一切,然后放到炖锅里。Cut down and compost spent cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops.将已收获过的黄瓜、西红柿和其他作物的秧蔓割下,制成堆肥。The tomatoes are then heated to seal in the juices.随后给西红柿加热以确保汁液不会流出。Tomatoes and tobacco are American plants.西红柿和烟草是原产于美洲的植物。He claims to have developed a new method for growing tomatoes.他宣称已经研发出一个种植西红柿的新方法。I don't like tinned tomatoes/spaghetti/milk.我不喜欢罐装的西红柿/意大利面条/牛奶。The tomatoes haven't quite reached their full size.西红柿还没有完全长成。It's a bumper year for tomatoes.今年是西红柿丰收年。Add one cup tomatoes, drained.加一杯西红柿,沥去水分。Meanwhile, heat the tomatoes and oil in a pan.同时,在平底锅里将西红柿和油加热。Only one out of four of our tomato plants survived.我们种的四株西红柿只有一株存活了下来。To make the appetizer, you should alternate layers of tomatoes and cheese. 做这道开胃菜,你应该把西红柿和干酪分层交替摆放。Gladys grows a lot of tomatoes in her greenhouse.格拉迪丝在她的温室里种了好多西红柿He is growing tomato plants in pots.他用盆栽种西红柿To reconstitute dried tomatoes, simmer in plain water until they are tender.要泡开西红柿干,需要将其放在清水中用文火炖,直到它们变软。In Europe, tomatoes are out of season in winter.在欧洲,西红柿在冬季不是时令蔬菜。You can use fresh or tinned tomatoes for this recipe.这种烹饪法可以用新鲜或罐装的西红柿Garnish with peeled, seeded, and diced tomatoes.用去皮、去籽的西红柿丁装饰菜肴。Don't forget to feed the tomatoes.别忘了给西红柿施肥。My tomatoes are flourishing this summer - it must be the warm weather.今年夏天我的西红柿长势很好——这一定是天气暖和的原因。She grows tomatoes in her garden.她在菜园里种西红柿Pickled cucumbers, jam, pickled berries, tomatoes; you name it, they've got it.腌黄瓜、果酱、腌浆果、西红柿;凡是你能想到的,他们都有。Heat the tomatoes and oil in a pan.西红柿和油放在平底锅里加热。




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