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词汇 origin
例句 We have experimental and observational evidence concerning things which happened before and after the origin of life.有关生命起源前后发生了什么,我们通过实验和观察得出了一些证据。The origin of the custom is lost in the mists of time.形成这种习俗的原因现已湮没在时间的迷雾中。The origin of the universe is an ageless topic.关于宇宙的起源的问题是个永恒的论题。New data has stood the traditional explanation of the island's origin on its head.新的资料动摇了关于这个岛起源的传统说法。They were often of uncertain origin.他们这些人往往出身不明。The created polygon is centered at the origin.创建的多边形以原点为中心。The rumour is now so widespread, it's difficult to be certain of its origin.谣言现在已传得人尽皆知,很难弄清楚是从哪里传出来的。Two thirds of the pupils are of Asian origin.这些小学生中有三分之二是亚裔。Maritime air of tropical origin stagnates over the islands.热带来的海洋气流滞留在海岛上空。The infection was bacterial in origin. 这种感染是由细菌引起的。They talked about the competing theories of the origin of life.他们讨论了几种相互矛盾的生命起源理论。Her family is Portuguese in origin.她的家族是葡萄牙血统。The singing of Christmas carols is a custom derived from early dance routines of pagan origin.唱圣诞颂歌的习俗源于早期异教徒的舞蹈仪式。This spring is the origin of the brook.这泉水是那条小河的源头。The language developed further through the admixture of words of Greek and Latin origin.这种语言通过混入源自希腊语和拉丁语的词汇而进一步发展。The origin of the word is uncertain.这个词的词源尚不清楚。What is the origin of that word?那个词的词源是什么?The samples were all labelled / labeled with a date and place of origin.所有样品都标有日期和原产地。The name Sassoon is Spanish in origin.萨松这个姓来自西班牙语。The high level of radiation in the rocks implies that they are volcanic in origin.这些岩石内的高辐射显示它们是火山作用形成的。The rock is volcanic in origin.这块石头是火山石。Population genetics owes its origin to Francis Galton.群体遗传学的创立应归功于弗朗西斯・高尔顿。What was the origin of the quarrel?这场争吵的起因是什么? The created box is centered at the origin.创建的方框基于原点居中。The botanical grouping, parentage, origin, common names, and flowering times of each flower is recorded.每种花的植物组别、来源、产地、普通名称及花期都记录在案。He cannot be deported to his country of origin.不能把他逐回本国。Most of the thickeners are of plant origin.大部分增稠剂来源于植物。Each item was coded for point of origin.每一件物品都标明了来历。In this part of the US many of the place names are of French origin.美国这一地区的许多地名都源自法语。The game is of recent origin. 这款游戏是最近推出的。In California it is illegal to refuse to do business with someone because of their race or ethnic origin.在加州,因某人的种族或民族出身而拒绝和他做生意是违法的。The origin of life is still a puzzle to scientists.生命的起源在科学家看来依然是难解之谜。The origin of the word is something of a puzzle.这个词的起源有点儿让人困惑。Old theories about the origin of the universe have recently been resurrected.过去关于宇宙起源的理论最近又被重新提出来。The magazines were organized by country of origin.这些杂志按来源国分类。They are forced to return to their country of origin.他们被迫回到出生国。Considerable doubt exists as to the precise origin of this custom.对该风俗的确切起源存在着相当大的疑问。There is widespread discrimination against doctors of Asian origin.对亚裔医生存在着广泛的歧视。In South America, the upper classes tend to be of European origin.在南美,上层阶级往往是欧洲人后裔。We need to contextualize the problem before we can understand its origin.要弄清该问题的来由,我们必须考虑其背景。




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