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词汇 original
例句 The original furnishings are now in need of replacement.原来的家具陈设需要更换了。The copy of the painting is very close to the original.这幅画的摹本非常接近原作。The toys have to be intact in their original boxes or they're not worth anything.玩具要完整无缺地放在原装盒内,不然就不值钱了。We were unable to reproduce the results of the original experiment.我们没能得到与原实验相同的结果。Is this the original fireplace?这是原先的壁炉吗?Several improvements have been made to the original designs.已经对原来的设计作了几处改进。The original of this picture was nowhere to be found.这幅画的原作已无处寻觅。Steiner was recognized as an original if unorthodox thinker.斯坦纳被认为是一位离经叛道但富有创新精神的思想家。She was possessed of a fine and original mind.她具有细腻而独到的思维。Can we come back to my original question?我们能回到我原来的问题上来吗?The original Japanese soundtrack is included with English subtitles.日文的原声带配有英文字幕。I'll keep a copy of the contract, and give you the original.我将留一份合同副本,把原件给你。The walls of the restaurant are decorated in original artwork.那家餐馆的墙壁上装饰着原创艺术作品。They achieved their original dominance by stealth.他们原先的优势是暗中取得的。They decided, unsurprisingly, to stay with their original plan.他们决定按原计划执行,这一点儿也不意外。I sent him the original document, not a photocopy.我寄给他的是原件,不是复印件。She doesn't have an original thought in her head - she just parrots anything that Sara says.她脑子里没有什么自己的见解,她只会机械地重复萨拉所说的每句话。The original file was corrupted, so they had to reenter the data.原始文档被损坏,所以他们不得不重新输入数据。The bridge looked quite different from the architect's original drawings.这座桥看起来与建筑师的原图大相径庭。The company could never recoup its original investment.这家公司再也收不回初始投资。The original agreement remains untouched.最初的协议依然未变。I should point out that not one of these paintings is original.我必须指出,这些画没有一幅是真迹。He can read Shakespeare in the original.他能读莎士比亚作品的原文。A grey carpet was removed to reveal the original pine floor.一块灰色的地毯被揭开,露出了原来的松木地板。The antique dealer had tried to palm the painting off as an original.这位古董商曾试图把这幅画当成原作骗卖出去。This painting is only a copy - the original hangs in the Louvre.这幅画只是摹本——原画挂在卢浮宫里。His music attempts to ape classical styles, but the results are not very original.他的音乐想模仿古典风格,但结果却不具原创性。The new movie is a direct sequel to the first, picking up the story where the original left off.这部新影片就是第一部的续集,紧接着原作结尾时的故事情节展开。The room is filled with tasteful furnishings and original artworks.房间里摆满了品味高雅的家具和原创艺术品。The script is original and funny, streets ahead of any other situation comedy.这个剧本既有独创性又有趣,比任何情景喜剧都要好得多。In many cases this had been tastefully done, with the original fireplaces and ornate ceilings preserved, and the conversions commanded high prices.这一工程的很多方面都做得很有品位,保留了原有的壁炉和装饰华丽的顶棚,但改建费用很高。Once most wires are bent out of shape, they don't return to the original position.大多数金属丝一旦弯曲变形就无法恢复原状。They didn't recognize her as the original of the photograph.他们没有认出她就是照片上的那个人。The design is based on an original painting by Matisse.这个设计以马蒂斯的一幅原作为基础。The museum restored the painting to its original appearance.博物馆修复了这幅画。In subsequent interviews, Steele has contradicted his original story.在随后的面谈中,斯蒂尔的说法与他原先的说法自相矛盾。I watched the original show as a kid.我儿时看过这部剧最初的版本。Any faults in the original cider stood out sharply after distillation.原先苹果酒里的任何杂质在蒸馏后都会凸现出来。They proved incontestably that the painting was an original.他们无可争辩地证明了这幅画是原作。She tried to think of something original and witty to say.她试图想出些新奇而且风趣的话来说。




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