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词汇 blistering
例句 His new album is selling at a blistering/breakneck/dizzying pace.他的新专辑卖得很火。He received a blistering letter from his ex-wife.他收到前妻写的一封言辞激烈的信。We toiled in the blistering heat with pick, spade, and crowbar.我们顶着酷热,用镐、锹和撬棍辛苦劳作。Simpson withstood a blistering cross-examination in court this morning.辛普森今天上午在法庭上应对了尖锐的诘问。In the desert we travelled by night to avoid the blistering heat.在沙漠里我们夜间旅行以避开炎热。Schumacher set a blistering pace.舒马赫如脱 的野马冲在前面。Critics have launched a blistering attack on O'Halloran's latest play.批评家们对奥哈洛伦的最新剧本进行了猛烈的抨击。The president responded to this with a blistering attack on his critics.作为对此的回应,总统对批评者们给予了严厉的抨击。Day after day they toil in blistering heat.日复一日,他们在酷热中辛苦劳作。She took refuge from the blistering heat by sitting in the shade by the front gate.她坐在前门的阴凉处躲避酷热。They were unable to work in the blistering heat.他们无法在酷热的条件下干活。Families were made to wait in the blistering midday sun for hours.几家人被迫在正午炽热的阳光下等了几个小时。Nelson launched into a blistering criticism of greedy lawyers.纳尔逊对贪心不足的律师发起了猛烈的抨击。They set off at a blistering pace.他们一起跑就跑得飞快。Sharon Wild set a blistering pace to take the lead.沙伦·怀尔德快速冲出,取得领先优势。She'd given him a blistering lecture on sexual harassment after he'd come on a little too strong to one of the waitresses.他对一名女服务员挤眉弄眼,她狠狠地教训了他一番,让他不敢再搞性骚扰。Gloves help cut down on blistering and damage to the hands when digging and raking.刨地或耙地时戴上手套可以减少双手起泡和受伤。




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