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词汇 unpopular
例句 The new Chancellor has the guts to push through unpopular tax increases.新总理有勇气推动不受欢迎的增税方案获得通过。She could win, since only two people are contesting the seat and the other candidate is very unpopular.她大有希望获胜,因为只有两个人争夺这个位置,而另一个候选人很不得人心。The pay cut was unpopular, to put it mildly.说得轻些,减薪是不得人心的。He made himself unpopular with some of the staff when he introduced changes.在引入变革时,他得罪了一些员工。The herb rue has a bitter taste, which makes it unpopular for cooking.芸香味苦,所以在烹调中不太受青睐。It was a huge blow to his ego to find out he was so unpopular.发现自己如此不受欢迎严重伤害了他的自尊心。The court's long-awaited decision was unpopular with groups on both sides of the issue.控辩双方都不满意期待已久的法院判决。Night flights from the airport are unpopular.从该机场发出的夜间航班非常不受欢迎。The idea was unpopular with the general public.这个想法不受公众欢迎。We can't really give him the sack just because he's unpopular.我们不能就因为他不讨人喜欢便真的开除他。Greg's tendency to be critical made him unpopular with his co-workers.格雷格爱挑剔的性格使他在同事中不受欢迎。As a director, he was ahead of his time. His movies are now regarded as classics, but they were unpopular when he made them.作为一名导演,他的思想过于超前。他的那些电影在今天都被视为经典之作,但是在他创作的当年却并不受欢迎。For teachers, being unpopular is all part of the game.对教师来说,不受欢迎是这一职业的共性。Despite his charm and eloquence, there was something about him that made him unpopular.尽管他有魅力,而且能言善辩,但他性格中仍有某种东西使人们不喜欢他。He began by telling the children a story about a giant who was very unpopular with all the other giants because he wouldn't eat people.他首先给孩子们讲一个关于巨人的故事,那巨人因为不肯吃人,所以其他巨人都不喜欢他。His autocratic manner made him unpopular.他的专横态度使他不得人心。Johnson was unpopular with the management because he was a well-known rabble-rouser.管理层很不喜欢约翰逊,因为他是出了名的煽风点火者。It's easy to see how he became unpopular.很容易就能看出他是如何变得不受欢迎的。What lies behind the recent Cabinet changes is the need to get rid of certain unpopular ministers.最近内阁更迭的原因是要撤换几名不得人心的部长。Sectors like biotech and engineering are unpopular.生物技术和工程之类的行业不受欢迎。Several unpopular decisions diminished the governor's popularity.几个不得人心的决定降低了州长的声望。Certain personality traits made her unpopular.她身上的某些人格品质使她不受欢迎。His unpopular stand on defence spending will cost him votes.他在防务开支问题上不得人心的立场将会使他失掉选票。The tax was so unpopular that the government decided to dump it.这项税款非常不得人心,于是政府决定将其取消。Such unpopular legislation is unlikely to be introduced before the next election.如此不受欢迎的立法不可能在下次选举之前提出。The scheme is unpopular with voters.这个计划不受选民的青睐。He is a man with a reputation for being tough and unafraid of unpopular decisions.他以难搞、不怕得罪人著称。More and more people are standing out against what is a very unpopular piece of legislation.越来越多的人站出来反对一项非常不得人心的法案。She believes in speaking her mind, which makes her very unpopular.她喜欢有话直说,这使她很不受人欢迎。His habit of slamming friends made him unpopular.他那苛刻指摘朋友的习惯使得他不得人心。In high school, I was very unpopular, and I did encounter a little prejudice.上中学的时候,我很不受欢迎,确实受到了一些歧视。I was unpopular in high school.我上高中时人缘不好。The government finally bowed to public opinion and abolished the unpopular tax.政府最后顺从民意,取消了那个不得人心的税种。Recent conflicts have made him unpopular among the staff.最近发生的冲突使他在员工中不得人心。She was a courageous woman who wasn't afraid to support unpopular causes.她是个勇敢的人,不惧怕支持少人问津的事业。He's unpopular with the students.他不受学生欢迎。As a poet, he was ahead of his time. His poems, now regarded as classics, were unpopular when he wrote them.作为诗人,他走在了时代的前面。他的诗歌当初发表时并不受欢迎,现在被认为是经典之作。It was an unpopular policy and caused a number of conflicts within the party.这项政策不得人心,在党内引起了很多分歧。Many are tired of being unpopular because of their wealth and would encourage more even distribution of it.很多人厌倦了因为自己的财富而不受欢迎,从而会鼓励更加均匀地分配财富。His speech was a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy.他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥。




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