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词汇 unpleasant
例句 He was very unpleasant to my friends.他对我的朋友很凶。He said some very unpleasant things.他说了一些很不客气的话。For the first time she was seeing the more unpleasant aspects of her husband's personality.她第一次看到了丈夫个性中不那么令人愉快的方面。When Chris was in one of his moods, he was unpleasant to everyone.克里斯心情不好时看每个人都不顺眼。The weather is so unpleasant here.这儿的天气真差。There was an unpleasant smell/odor coming from the basement.地下室里散发出一股难闻的气味。Then Nel lost her temper and there was an extremely unpleasant scene in Kenwood's office.后来内尔发火了,肯伍德的办公室里场面令人非常难堪。Gabby was shocked by how unpleasant they were to their mother.他们对自己母亲如此不客气,加比很是吃惊。When the day of reckoning comes, we will have to face some unpleasant truths.最终审判日到来时,我们必须面对一些令人不快的事实。She's really quite unpleasant about other people and she's as mean as hell.她对待他人很不友好,并且还吝啬得要命。I stopped taking the drug because of its unpleasant side effects.这种药物的副作用令人不适,因此我停止了服用。It's not an unpleasant smell.这不是一种难闻的气味。He consigned all the unpleasant thoughts to oblivion.他把一切不愉快的思想置于脑后。I tried ignoring his unpleasant remarks, but it didn't work.我试着不去理睬他那些难听的话语,但是做不到。We were all ignoring the unpleasant truth.我们都对那不愉快的事实视而不见。The air freshener is supposed to get rid of unpleasant household odors.空气清新器应该可以清除家中的异味。The garbage gave off an unpleasant smell.垃圾发出一股难闻的气味。He had an unpleasant case of heartburn.他曾有心口灼热的不适症状。Beset by violence and vandalism, this is one of the most unpleasant areas in the city.这里充斥着暴力和蓄意破坏公共财物行为,是本市最乱的地区之一。I find some of his habits somewhat unpleasant, disgusting even.我觉得他的一些习惯很是令人不悦,甚至可以说是令人作呕。He was evidently a rude, unpleasant child.据说他是个粗鲁而令人讨厌的孩子。The plant has an unpleasant odour and an acrid taste.这种植物闻着刺鼻,吃着辣口。He may make life unpleasant for the rest of us.他可能会让我们剩下的这些人日子不好过。We are faced with two unpleasant options.我们面对两个令人不快的选择。She felt herself blanch at the unpleasant memories.一回想起那些不愉快的事情,她觉得自己的脸刷地就白了。These pills don't normally have any unpleasant side-effects.这种药片一般不会有不良的副作用。He's a very unpleasant cup of tea.他是一个很讨厌的家伙。That unpleasant news might retard his recovery.那个坏消息可能妨碍他的复元。The bad weather conspired with some other unpleasant causes to ruin our picnic.坏天气加上其他一些不愉快原因使我们的野餐令人大为扫兴。There are also unpleasant brain effects such as anxiety and neurotic behaviour.也会对大脑产生不良影响,如焦虑和神经质的行为。A mother I knew was going through a really unpleasant time with a stroppy teenage son.我认识的一位母亲因为十几岁的儿子脾气暴躁、任性叛逆而过得很不开心。By pushing aside unpleasant thoughts they merely repress these thoughts.他们对不愉快的想法不予理会,其结果仅仅是压制了这些想法。He gave a convincing stage performance as the unpleasant young debauchee.他在舞台上逼真地演绎出了一个生活糜烂放荡的年轻人形象。It's hard to imagine a more unpleasant job.很难想象出一份更糟糕的工作了。She thought him an unpleasant man.她认为他是个粗鲁的人。He can be very unpleasant when he's in a bad mood.他心情不好时会非常不友善。We were faced with the unpleasant reality of having nowhere to live.我们面临着无处栖身的不幸现实。Some of the scenes were unpleasant in the extreme.有些场景令人极其反感。The overall feeling was a strange mixture of sensations, not altogether unpleasant.总的感觉很奇怪,五味杂陈,并不只是不快。She was really unpleasant on the phone.在电话中她的口气很不友好。




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