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词汇 unkind
例句 He is incapable of being unkind to people.他不会对人粗暴刻薄。We never heard anyone say an unkind word about her.我们从未听过任何人说过她的坏话。It would be unkind to keep him in suspense for too long.让他提心吊胆那么长时间太残忍了。She was spiteful and unkind, both to Isabel and to her son.她既恶毒又刻薄,对伊莎贝尔和她的儿子都这样。I think it's a bit unkind to describe the ship in those terms.我觉得用那些字眼来形容这艘船有点刻薄。The unkind remark festered in his mind.这句不客气的话使他内心痛楚不堪。She's not intentionally unkind - she's just a little thoughtless sometimes.她不是故意不友好——她只是有时有点粗心。He cut me to the quick with that unkind remark.他那冷酷的话深深伤害了我。Health visitors and nurses were very judging and unkind to me when I was having my first child.在我怀第一个孩子期间,卫生访视员和护士对我非常挑剔且不友善。He might seem unkind, but underneath it all , he's a very caring person.他看上去可能不友善,但事实上,他是个非常有爱心的人。Without wishing to be unkind, she's not the most interesting company.我不想那么刻薄,但是她的确不是个非常有趣的同伴。It's unkind to take someone up and then put him down whenever you will, without considering his feelings.不考虑别人的感情,召之即来挥之即去,那不是善良的行为。I can't imagine you being unkind to anyone.我无法想象你会对任何人不好。He was unkind to her. 他对她很无情。How could you be so unkind?你怎么能这么无情?It is unkind to make fun of people.取笑别人很不厚道。Her husband is very unkind to her.她丈夫对她非常刻薄。The weather was unkind to those pipers who played in the morning.坏天气对上午那些风笛吹奏者毫不容情。He said many harsh and unkind things about his opponents.他以尖刻恶毒的语言大肆抨击自己的对手。"That was very unkind," he said in a hurt voice.“那太无情了。”他带着受伤的语调说道。He says unkind things to everyone. Try not to take it personally. 他对每个人都出言不逊,千万别往自己身上扯。Marcus has been most unkind to me today.马库斯今天对我非常无礼。He can be very unkind.他有时会非常刻薄。I objected on the grounds that it was unkind to the animals.我反对的理由是这对动物来说太残忍。He regretted very much having said unkind things about his friends.他说了朋友们的坏话,对此非常后悔。Sometimes she seems a very impersonal, even unkind, mother.有时她看起来是一个非常冷漠,甚至刻薄的母亲。They have a shared conviction that some unkind fate or chance is keeping them apart.他们一致坚信是无情的命运或机缘让他们难成眷属。Unkindness often reacts on the unkind person.恶人往往有恶报。I think it's very unkind of you to make up stories about him.我认为你编造他的谣言很不厚道。Fate was unkind to them. 他们命途多舛。That was an unkind thing to say.那样说是不友好的。He has a conscience about his unkind action.他为自己不友好的举动而内疚。All last summer he'd been unkind to her.去年整个夏天他都对她很恶劣。Children can be very unkind.小孩子有时会很不友善。He said some very unkind things about my clothes.他对我的衣着说了一些非常刻薄的话。No one has an unkind word to say about him.所有人说起他来都没有一句坏话。Why are you so unkind to me?你为什么对我这么不客气? Why are you always so unkind about Christina?你为什么老是说克里斯蒂娜的坏话?Their unkind remarks galled her.他们不友善的话语使她恼怒。I was hurt by their unkind remarks.我被他们刻薄的话伤害了。




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