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词汇 uninteresting
例句 In schools, science is often presented in a dry and uninteresting manner.在学校,自然科学往往用枯燥乏味的方式来讲授。It was a long film and an uninteresting one to boot.这是部冗长的影片,而且很乏味。When I read a book, I usually skip over the uninteresting parts.当我阅读一本书时,我通常跳过无趣的部分。He found her uninteresting as a person.他发现她是个很乏味的人。All the students tuned out when the speaker began on a long list of uninteresting facts.演说者开始念一长串枯燥无味的资料,这时,所有学生都思想开了小差。The food was bland and uninteresting.这饭菜寡淡无味。So many days are routine and uninteresting, especially in winter.许多日子都过得平淡乏味,尤其是在冬天。The movie's characters are clichéd and uninteresting.这部影片里的人物都很老套,不吸引人。Their media has earned the reputation for being rather dull and uninteresting.他们的媒体落了个刻板无趣的名声。Why did he choose these pale, nerveless, uninteresting people?他为什么选了这么些脸色苍白、有气无力而又无聊乏味的人?Any story matched with this seems uninteresting.同这个故事相比,任何故事都显得索然无味。She rambled on about her uninteresting affairs.她没完没了地聊着她那些平淡无趣的私事。His lecture was so pedantic and uninteresting.他的讲座学究气太浓,没意思。It's uninteresting reading the play round the class, can't we try to act it?在班内轮着朗读剧本多乏味,难道我们不能试着表演吗?




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