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词汇 plied
例句 He plied me with questions. 他不停地问我问题。Waiters plied guests with wine and hors d'oeuvres.服务生不断给客人上酒和开胃小吃。Hasan plied us with drinks and an array of Egyptian delicacies which he brought from the kitchen.哈桑不断给我们斟酒,不断从厨房端来许多埃及美味。We plied the stranger with questions but got no change out of him.我们向那个陌生人问个不休,可是一点儿也探听不出什么消息。He plied me with mint tea and Belgian chocolates.他拿出薄荷茶和比利时巧克力盛情招待我。They plied their paste brushes madly.他们飞快地用浆糊刷子刷浆糊。They plied us with drink.他们不停地叫我们喝饮料。Giovanni plied him with questions with the intention of prolonging his stay.乔瓦尼一个劲儿地问他问题,想要拖住他。Giovanni plied him with questions in order to detain him.为了留住他,乔瓦尼不停地问他问题。The local people plied me with beer, until I could barely move.当地人一个劲地灌我啤酒,直到我几乎动弹不了。The poor priest was plied with drink at a dinner party.宴会上不断有人给可怜的牧师灌酒。We plied Charlie with questions about his trip round the world.我们不停地问查利他周游世界的事情。He plied me with vodka all evening.他整个晚上不停地给我倒伏特加。Elsie, who had been told that Maria wasn't well, plied her with food.埃尔茜得知玛丽亚身体不适,就不停地给她弄吃的。Sampans plied busily over the smooth water of the lake.舢板在平静的湖面上忙碌往返。Barges plied back and forth along the canal.驳船沿着运河定期往返。




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