例句 |
Winds are generated by the sun as it unevenly heats the earth's surface.当地球表面在阳光的照射下受热不均时就产生了风。Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resources are very unevenly distributed.在自由企业式的资本主义社会里,资源分配极不均衡。The money was distributed unevenly.这笔钱分配不均。My cuticles were split and ragged, and my nails unevenly bitten.我指甲根部的表皮龟裂粗糙,指甲被咬得参差不齐。Many microwaves heat unevenly, leading to hot spots in the milk.很多微波炉加热不均匀,导致牛奶中有过热部分。The steaks were unevenly cooked.牛排烤得不均匀。 |